Sams Teach Yourself HTML and XHTML in 10 Minutes (3rd Edition) артикул 12657d.
Sams Teach Yourself HTML and XHTML in 10 Minutes (3rd Edition) артикул 12657d.

Sams Teach Yourself HTML & XHTML in 10 Minutes, Third Edition is a compact, task-oriented tutorial that shows the beginning Web page author how to perform the most common tasks involved in designing, creating, publishing, and administering Webpages and sites The book covers only those HTML tags and technologies that are likely to be used on озмел a beginner's Web page, and it is organized in a logical step-by-step order that reflects the natural progression a new Web page author will follow in developing a Web site This edition of the book will be thoroughly revised to make it more accessible for the beginning Windows or Macintosh user, to include more easily accessible reference material, and to refine the book's examples.  ISBN 0672322544.

Житие святой блаженной Матроны Московской и ее чудотворения ХХ-ХХI вв артикул 12659d.
Житие святой блаженной Матроны Московской и ее чудотворения ХХ-ХХI вв артикул 12659d.

Составитель: Александр Худошин Около года продолжалась работа Синодальной комиссии, которая, по благословению Святейшего Патриарха Алексия II рассматривала вопрос о церковном озмею прославлении старицы Матроны 2 мая 1999 года, в неделю 4-ю по Пасхе, "О расслабленном", совершилось событие, ожидавшееся всеми православными людьми: к лику святых как местночтимая Московской епархии была причислена подвижница благочестия ХХ-го столетия Матрона Московская - Матрона Димитриевна Никонова С раннего утра к Свято-Покровскому монастырю ехали люди со всей Москвы, из Подмосковья, из многих городов и деревень Почти каждый нес цветы, памятуя об особой любви матушки к ним Двор обители смог вместить далеко не всех - многие остались стоять при входе в монастырь В полночь была отслужена ранняя Литургия, а затем и последняя панихида по Матронушке Большинство богомольцев оставались в монастыре всю ночь, чтобы участвовать в торжестве прославления Блаженной Тысячи православных желали поклониться честным останкам Матронушки - ее святым мощам Возжигались свечи, звучали молитвы И все шли и шли люди на поклон к великой святой Формат: 12,5 см x 20 см.  Издательство: ОАО ПИК Идел-Пресс, 2009 г Мягкая обложка, 192 стр Тираж: 5000 экз.

Святая заступница Матрона Московская Судьба Предсказания Молитвы о помощи артикул 12661d.
Святая заступница Матрона Московская Судьба Предсказания Молитвы о помощи артикул 12661d.

Эта книга - проникновенный рассказ о судьбе Матроны Московской, одной из самых почитаемых на Руси святых Ее жизнь совпала с переломным периодом в истории нашей страны Революция, озмже гонения на Церковь, Великая Отечественная война, разруха И все это время Матрона Московская, испытывая на себе лишения, выпавшие на долю простых людей, спешила помочь всем нуждающимся Наделенная от рождения особым божественным даром, она творила настоящие чудеса: исцеляла от болезней, предсказывала будущее, избавляла от любых напастей За свой беспримерный подвиг во имя добра и света в 1999 году Матрона Московская была причислена к лику святых В какую бы беду вы ни попали, помолитесь матушке Матроне - и с верой вернутся в вашу жизнь любовь и здоровье, гармония и процветание Автор Анна Печерская.  Серия: Православная библиотека.

Песнопения страстной седмицы Часть III Великая суббота артикул 12663d.
Песнопения страстной седмицы Часть III Великая суббота артикул 12663d.

1 "Бог Господь , благообразный Иосиф " - Глас 2, Болгарского распева - Глас 2, Болгарского распева, гарм П Турчанинова 2 Непорочны - Глас 5, Греческого распева - Глас 5, Московского озмжк распева, гарм С Богословского - Глас 5, гарм П Григорьева - Распев Киево-Печерской Лавры 3 Ирмосы канона "Волною морскою " - Обиходный напев - Гарм П Турчанинова 4 Задойник - Знаменный распев, гарм П Турчанинова 5 "Свят Господь Бог наш" - Глас 2, Знаменного распева (в широком и тесном расположении) 6 Прокимен на утрене - Глас 4, Знаменного распева (в широком и тесном расположении) - Глас 7, Знаменного распева (в широком и тесном расположении) 7 Аллилуия - Глас 5, из Обихода А Кастальского - Глас 5, из Обихода Киево-Печерской Лавры 8 "Приидите, ублажим Иосифа" (на целование плащаницы) - Греческий распев, из Обихода Соловецкого монастыря - Д Бортнянский (тесное расположение) - Д Бортнянский (широкое расположение) - Распев Киево-Печерской Лавры 9 "Славно бо прославися" (припевы на паремиях) - Из Обихода Валаамского монастыря - Обиходный напев 10 Прокимен - Глас 5, Знаменного распева, гарм Е Калгановой 11 "Воскресни, Боже" - Знаменный распев - П Турчанинов - Д Бортнянский - Знаменный распев, гарм В Металлова - Распев Киево-Печерской Лавры 12 "Да молчит всякая плоть" - Знаменный распев - Напев "Видя разбойник", гарм прот И Соломина - П Турчанинов - Г Ломакин - А Львов - Распев Киево-Печерской Лавры - П Чесноков Ор 37 №3 13 Причастный стих - Б Ледковский - И Соломин Приложение 14 Непорочны - Глас 5, Греческого распева, гарм прот П Турчанинова - Напев Троице-Сергиевой Лавры Издание второе, дополненное.  Не указан Издательство: Издательство Православного Центра "Живоносный источник", 2001 г Мягкая обложка, 152 стр.

On Perl: Perl for Students and Professionals артикул 12665d.
On Perl: Perl for Students and Professionals артикул 12665d.

The book has an introductory chapter that gets the reader started quickly with programming in Perl The initial part of the book discusses Perl expressions, statements, control flow, built-in data types such as arrays and hashes, and complex data structures built using references The chapter on regular expressions is exemplary with about fifty озмжп well-motivated example programs that make this useful topic particularly accessible The book has an excellent chapter on modules and object-oriented programming On Perl has several chapters covering specialized topics The chapter on socket-based network programming deals with forking and using fork to write complex interactive client-server programs There is a chapter with in-depth discussion of CGI programming including error-handling and security issues that arise The chapter on web-client programming deals with writing programs that access Web pages, fill up GET and POST forms, handle cookies and redirected Web pages The chapter on persistent data discusses DBMs, ties, serialization and relational database access The book has several unique chapters not found in any other book on Perl in the market The chapter on security discusses hashes such as MD5, message authentication codes (MACs), digital signature schemes, and encryption techniques such as DES, Rijndael, and RSA Other chapters deal with writing recursive programs that work with files and directories; this chapter also discusses predefined modules that deal with portability in file names andpaths across operating systems, recursive traversal of file hierarchies and tarring and untarring of filles The chapter on functional programming illustrates that Perl functions are first-class, can be used to write closures and can be composed to form more complex functions In particular, this can be useful for programming in artificial intelligence Finally, the chapter on scientific computation describes topics that could be vital use to mathematical, scientific and engineering programming The author has taught Perl in the university setting for eight years (as of 2003) and has also used Perl extensively in the company setting He is well-versed in pedagogy having received the "Best Teacher" award at the university level The writing is lucid, at times brisk The book has over three hundred example programs, small and large There are also almost two hundred suggested exercises for self-learning or as homework assignment.  ISBN 158112550X.

Perl for C Programmers артикул 12667d.
Perl for C Programmers артикул 12667d.

The Perl book written for the C and C++ programmer Perl for C Programmers teaches what's similar and different between Perl and C/C++ and how to then utilize Perl to the fullest 80% of the people who start using Perl for the first time come witha background in the C or C++ programming language This book is written for those people Perl is becoming one of озмжф the most common languages used in web development because of its powerful ability for text manipulation There is a large need for Perl books that clearly explain how to use Perl in terms the reader can understand The primary audience coming to learn Perl is C and C++ programmers.  ISBN 073571228X.

New Trading Dimensions : How to Profit from Chaos in Stocks, Bonds, and Commodities (A Marketplace Book) артикул 12669d.
New Trading Dimensions : How to Profit from Chaos in Stocks, Bonds, and Commodities (A Marketplace Book) артикул 12669d.

A powerful new way to navigate today's unprecedented market conditions "Bill Williams' pioneering application of chaos theory to the financial markets is leading technical analysis into the twenty-first century and beyond New Trading Dimensions presents a complete, highly original, and intriguing trading method with clear, detailed озмжш illustrations, and challenging practice pages Bill's wisdom, technical expertise, and skillful teaching style make this a revolutionary must-have new book for stock and commodity traders " —Tom Bierovic, Product Manager for User Education, Omega Research, Inc "Bill hits the nail on the head The essence of successful trading is a combination of knowing who you are and allowing the market to reveal its secrets Bill Williams has the gift of explaining these concepts better than anyone I know This is a compelling work that belongs in every trader's library " —George Angell, author, Profitable Day-Trading with Precision "Bill Williams is one of the great educators of our time He freely shares his knowledge and experience in this inexpensive book This book is required reading for all market technicians The principles are sound as we have tested them with our software " —John Hill, President, Futures Truth, Co "Bill Williams has always been an excellent teacher, taking complex terms and concepts and translating them into a clear, commonsense approach to trading This book provides a complete trading program that reflects Bill's years of wisdom and experience in the marketplace " —Darrell Jobman, Editorial Consultant and former Editor-in-Chief of Futures magazine "Bill uses the hidden structure of chaos theory to skillfully guide the reader to the correct psychological profile for success intrading Bill then goes on to provide a comprehensive structure, a trading paradigm, directly derived from his research and considerable trading experience You will be challenged, interested, and have a mind-opening experience that's even fun " —Joe DiNapoli, author, Trading with DiNapoli Levels As today's market environment continues to change dramatically, more and more traders are discovering that traditional forecasting methods—pure technical analysis and fundamental analysis—just do not work Sending out contradictory messages, these opposing schools of thought leave investors baffled about the future direction of the market, and consequently, at a loss as to how to tailor their trading systems As a result, many practitioners have now turned to a new forecasting "cocktail" that combines traditional charting methodologies with chaos theory and human psychology In this groundbreaking book, Bill Williams, a seasoned trader at the forefront of this dynamic new approach, explains exactly what it is, how it works in current stock and commodity markets, and how to use it to your advantage Based on human nature rather than the vagaries of the market, the new trading dimension works on the premise that we trade not the market, but our own belief system By assessing what your personal biases are, you can determine how they influence your ultimate success—or failure—and then adjust your trading strategies accordingly Written by an expert in the field who has been featured in Futures, Worth, Success, and other prominent publications, New Trading Dimensions takes the latest in scientific knowledge about human behavior and applies it directly to the fields of stock and commodity investing and trading With straightforwardguidelines, it shows you how to adopt the right attitude toward the behavior of the market and use the right tools (ATTITOOLS) for profitable trading Packed with practice exercises, specific applications to different types of investments, and a detailedreview of important market signals, here's where you'll learn how to: Discover what the market wants and align your own beliefs with the direction of the market Apply chaos theory to trading and investing Use Williams' "Market Alligator" for analyzing and profiting from the markets Employ a multidimensional trading program that includes such tools and techniques as fractals, oscillators, AC signals, psychological zones, and balance lines Exit trades in a timely fashion to reap high returns Drawing on the author's more than forty years of experience as both a successful trader and seasoned trainer, this invaluable guide offers a breakthrough method that has proven its ability to turn investors into consistent winners.  ISBN 0471295418.

Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials, Second Edition артикул 12671d.
Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials, Second Edition артикул 12671d.

Distilling many years of Perl experience, including an insider's look at Perl development (the authors are members of the Perl 6 core development team) Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials, 2nd Edition is an unparalleled sneak-peek of what's coming in the widely-anticipated Perl 6 It includes succinct but thorough coverage of groundbreaking new developments озмжы such as Parrot--the language-independent interpreter engine Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials also uncovers the most revolutionary change in the language itself--Apocalypse 12 on objects The Apocalypse design documents (in the sense of "revealing", not "end-of-the-world") explain significant changes in new Perl 6 features, numbered according to the chapters in O'Reilly's landmark Camel book,Programming Perl Perl gurus and programmers alike will rely on this slim but essential book for a clear view of the Perl horizon and to ensure they hit the ground running once this important new version of Perl is released.  ISBN 059600737X.

Python How to Program (With CD-ROM) артикул 12673d.
Python How to Program (With CD-ROM) артикул 12673d.

The authoritative DEITEL LIVE-CODE introduction to Python programming This new book by the world's leading programming language textbook authors carefully explains how to use Python as a general-purpose programming language and how to program multi-tier, client/server, database-intensive, Internet- and Web-based applications Dr Harvey озмжю M Deitel and Paul J Deitel are the founders of Deitel and Associates, Inc , the internationally-recognized corporate-training and content-creation organization specializing in Python, Visual Basic ; NET, C#, Visual C++ ; NET, Java , C++, C, XML, Perl, Internet, Web, wireless and object technologies The Deitels are the authors of several worldwide #1 programming-language textbooks, including Java How to Program, 4/e, C++ How to Program, 3/e and Internet and World Wide Web How to Program, 2/e In Python How to Program, the Deitels and their colleagues, Jonathan Liperi and Ben Wiedermann, discuss topics you need to build complete Web-based applications, including: HTML/XHTML /CSS Python Server Pages/CGI Networking/Sockets GUI/Tkinter/Python Mega Widgets PyOpenGL/Multimedia/Accessibility Databases/DB-API/SQL File Processing/Serialization Modules/Classes/Class Attributes Class Customization/Method Overriding Control Structures/Functions/Inheritance String Manipulation/Regular Expressions Lists/Tuples/Dictionaries/Data Structures Process Management/Multithreading Interprocess Communication Exceptions/XML Processing Security/Restricted Execution Python How to Program includes extensive pedagogic features: Hundreds of LIVE-CODE programs with screen captures that show exact outputs World Wide Web and Internet resources to encourage further research Hundreds of tips, recommended practices and cautions all marked with icons Python How to Program is the centerpiece of a complete family of resources for teaching and learning Python, including Web sites ( www deitel com , [A HREF="http://www prenhall com/deitel"> www prenhall com/deitel Авторы (показать всех авторов) Harvey M Deitel Paul J Deitel Jonathan P Liperi.  Издательство: Prentice Hall, 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 1292 стр ISBN 0130923613.

Dive Into Python 3 артикул 12675d.
Dive Into Python 3 артикул 12675d.

Mark Pilgrim's Dive Into Python 3 is a hands-on guide to Python 3 (the latest version of the Python language) and its differences from Python 2 As in the original book, Dive Into Python, each chapter starts with a real, complete code sample, proceeds to pick it apart and explain the pieces, and then puts it all back together in a summary at the end Dive озмзз Into Python 3 is a Python book for experienced programmers Whether you're an experienced programmer looking to get into Python 3 or grizzled Python veteran who remembers the days when you had to import the string module, Dive Into Python 3 is your 'desert island' Python 3 book If you've never programmed before, Python 3 is an excellent language to learn modern programming techniques But this book should not be your starting point Get "How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python" by Allen Downey, Jeffrey Elkner, Chris Meyers and learn the basics Then dive into this book Dive Into PYTHON 3 was written by Mark Pilgram, and this edition is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License 3 0 * Money raised from the sale of this book supports the development of free software and documentation About the Author: By day, Mark Pilgrim is a developer advocate for open source and open standards By night, he is a husband and father who lives in North Carolina with his wife, his two sons, and his big slobbery dog He spends his copious free time sunbathing, skydiving, and making up autobiographical information.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 500 стр ISBN 1441437134.

Python in a Nutshell артикул 12677d.
Python in a Nutshell артикул 12677d.

Ask any Python aficionado and you'll hear that Python programmers have it all: an elegant language that offers object-oriented programming support, a readable, maintainable syntax, integration with C components, and an enormous collection of precoded standard library and extension modules Moreover, Python is easy to learn but powerful enough озмзу to take on the most ambitious programming challenges But what Python programmers have lacked is one concise and clear reference resource, with the appropriate measure of guidance in how best to use Python's great power Now Python in a Nutshell fills this need In the tradition of O'Reilly's "In a Nutshell" series, this book offers Python programmers one place to look when they need help remembering or deciphering the syntax of this open source language and its many modules This comprehensive reference guide makes it easy to look up all the most frequently needed information--not just about the Python language itself, but also the most frequently usedparts of the standard library and the most important third-party extensions Python in a Nutshell provides a solid, no-nonsense quick reference to information that programmers rely on the most This latest addition to the best-selling "In a Nutshell" series will immediately earn its place in any Python programmer's library Автор Alex Martelli.  2003 г Мягкая обложка, 600 стр ISBN 0596001886.

Гериатрия в лекциях Архив журнала "Клиническая геронтология" 1995 - 2000 гг артикул 12679d.
Гериатрия в лекциях Архив журнала "Клиническая геронтология" 1995 - 2000 гг артикул 12679d.

Составители: В Цурко М Глезер Светлана Горохова Редакторы: В Цурко М Глезер Светлана Горохова Все авторы В данном томе изложены лекции, изданные в журнале "Клиническая геронтология" за озмзч 1995-2000 гг по актуальным проблемам геронтологии и гериатрии В подготовке настоящего издания активное участие приняли сотрудники кафедры гематологии и гериатрии ФППО ММА им И М Сеченова Книга предназначена для гериатров, терапевтов, врачей семейной медицины Содержание Леонид Лазебник c 3-8 П Воробьев c 9-18 Леонид Дворецкий c 19-29 Андрей Воробьев, Н Шкловский-Корди, П Воробьев c 30-36 Валентина Насонова c 37-41 Владимир Анисимов c 42-52 Л Бернштейн c 53-60 С Украинцева c 61-69 В Михельсон c 70-80 В Ермилов, М Капитонова c 81-88 Виктор Серов c 89-96 Дж М Рибера-Касадо c 97-108 В Смоленский c 109-114 Светлана Горохова c 115-119 М Глезер c 120-151 М Глезер, Е Асташкин c 152-167 Л Орлов, Э Клусова, А Аксельрод c 168-173 Светлана Горохова c 174-184 О Буткевич, Т Виноградова c 185-188 Т Федорова c 189-199 В Смоленский c 200-205 Андрей Воробьев c 206-210 З Баркаган c 211-216 З Баркаган, А Момот c 217-224 П Воробьев c 225-233 П Воробьев c 234-247 Л Гориловский c 248-259 Л Гориловский, С Толстова c 260-276 Михаил Карачунский c 277-280 В Ноников c 281-289 И Воронин, А Белов c 290-297 С Герман c 298-307 С Герман c 308-312 Леонид Валенкевич, Ольга Яхонтова c 313-317 Н Подгорная, Л Шерстнева c 318-329 М Глезер c 330-336 А Сатыбалдыев, Т Акимова, М Иванова c 337-346 Евгений Насонов c 347-356 Н Хитров, В Цурко, Е Семочкина c 357-368 З Алекберова, А Карабаева c 369-376 А Волков, Н Гусева c 377-382 Нина Тювина, В Балабанова c 383-393 Николай Верещагин, Т Гулевская, Ю Миловидов c 394-404 О Краснова c 405-418 Г Ратнер c 419-424 Э Карюхин c 425-435 Авторы (показать всех авторов) Леонид Лазебник П Воробьев Леонид Дворецкий.  Антология Издательство: Ньюдиамед, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 440 стр ISBN 5-88107-039-9 Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Python Programming on Win 32 артикул 12681d.
Python Programming on Win 32 артикул 12681d.

Python is growing in popularity; based on download statistics, there are now over 450,000 people using Python, and more than 150,000 people using Python on Windows Use of the language has been growing at about 40 percent per year since 1995, and there is every reason to believe that growth will continue Despite Python's increasing popularity on озмзъ Windows, Python Programming on Win32 is the first book to demonstrate how to use it as a serious Windows development and administration tool Unlike scripting on UNIX, Windows scripting involves integrating a number of components, such as COM or the various mail and database APIs, with the Win32 programming interface While experienced Windows C++ programmers can find their way through the various objects, most people need some guidance, and this book is it It addresses all the basic technologies for common integration tasks on Windows, explaining both the Windows issues and the Python code you need to glue things together Автор Mark Hammond Марк Хаммонд.  2000 г Мягкая обложка, 670 стр ISBN 1565926218.

Clausewitz on Strategy : Inspiration and Insight from a Master Strategist артикул 12683d.
Clausewitz on Strategy : Inspiration and Insight from a Master Strategist артикул 12683d.

From Clausewitz on Strategy On strategic genius "If the mind is to survive this constant battle with the unexpected, two qualities are indispensable: first, an intellect that even in this moment of intense darkness retains some trace of the inner light that will lead it to the truth, and second, the courage to go where that faint light leads озмзэ " On the role of strategic theory " all principles, rules, and methods increasingly lack universality and absolute truth the moment they become a positive doctrine They are there to present themselves for use Judgment must always be free to determine whether or not they are suitable Criticism must never use these results of theory as laws and standards, but only as a person acting in war should also do: as aids to judgment " On risk "It is not true that we should always choose the case with the least uncertainty That would be a terrible mistake, as all of our theoretical deliberations show There are instances in which the most daring course of action is the wisest choice " On leadership qualities "The further we go up the chain of command, the more necessary it becomes for boldness to go hand in hand with the superior mind " On strategy "Everything in strategy is very simple, but that does not make everything easy ".  ISBN 0471415138.

Heterogeneous Agent Systems артикул 12685d.
Heterogeneous Agent Systems артикул 12685d.

Software agents are the latest advance in the trend toward smaller, modular pieces of code, where each module performs a well-defined, focused task or set of tasks Programmed to interact with and provide services to other agents, including humans, software agents act autonomously with prescribed backgrounds, beliefs, and operations Systems озмиб of agents can access and manipulate heterogeneously stored data such as that found on the Internet After a discussion of the theory of software agents, this book presents IMPACT (Interactive Maryland Platform for Agents Collaborating Together), an experimental agent infrastructure that translates formal theories of agency into a functional multiagent system that can extend legacy software code and application-specific or legacy data structures The book describes three sample applications: a store, a self-correcting auto-pilot, and a supply chain.  ISBN 0262194368.

Agents and Peer-To-Peer Computing: First International Workshop, Ap2PC 2002, Bologna, Italy, July 15, 2002 : Revised and Invited Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2530 ) артикул 12687d.
Agents and Peer-To-Peer Computing: First International Workshop, Ap2PC 2002, Bologna, Italy, July 15, 2002 : Revised and Invited Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2530 ) артикул 12687d.

Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing is currently attracting enormous public attention, spurred by the popularity of file-sharing systems such as Napster, Gnutella, and Morpheus In P2P systems a very large number of autonomous computing nodes, the peers, rely on each other for services P2P networks are emerging as a new distributed computing paradigm озмиг because of their potential to harness the computing power of the hosts composing the network, and because they make their underutilized resources available to each other This book brings together three especially commissioned invited articles, an introduction, and revised versions of the papers presented at the 1st International Workshop on Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing, AP2PC 2002, held in Bologna, Italy in July 2002 The book is organized into topical sections on peer-to-peer services, discovery and delivery of trustworthy services, and search and cooperation in peer-to-peer agent systems.  ISBN 3540405380.

Local Players In Global Games: The Strategic Constitution Of A Multinational Corporation артикул 12689d.
Local Players In Global Games: The Strategic Constitution Of A Multinational Corporation артикул 12689d.

Book DescriptionWhat happens when previously autonomous firms from different countries, each with their own identities, routines and capabilities, come together inside a single multinational corporation? Can a cooperative strategy be established that advances the development of the multinational as a whole, or do mutual misunderstandings озмиж and the unintended consequences of strategic interaction among the players' lead instead to endemic conflict and disintegration? This book tackles these novel and important questions through an empirical study of the strategic constitution of an 'actually existing' multinational It does so by tracing the historical construction of the multinational corporation from the confluence of multiple formerly independent firmsand analyzing the interacting web of strategies pursued by different actors within it The analysis reveals how workers, unionists, subsidiary managers, and corporate executives pursue separate strategic games rooted in their local contexts, whose global outcome contrasts sharply with idealized views of the multinational as an integrated and coordinated organization By comparing these findings to those of the broader literature, the book proceeds to a theoretical examination of the challenges of managing the multinational, and the difficulties of resolving them through conventional organizational means The authors propose new procedural solutions aimed at fostering mutual recognition and knowledge exchange within the multinational corporation, and explore how a multinational public may be created to press for the necessary reforms in corporate governance As the success of such reforms is far from preordained, the book concludes with a series of alternative scenarios that illustrate the many obstacles to a smooth continuation of the globalization process This is an important and original study of significance for researchers, academics, and advanced students of international business, business strategy, comparative management and organizational studies.  2004 г ISBN 0199275629.

Cracking the Corporate Code: The Revealing Success Stories of 32 African-American Executives артикул 12691d.
Cracking the Corporate Code: The Revealing Success Stories of 32 African-American Executives артикул 12691d.

Foreword by Steve Reinemund, CEO, PepsiCo Despite decades of social progress and legal reform, minorities still face obstacles on the path to success, both internal and external, from cultural insensitivity to outright prejudice, from isolation to over-scrutiny Cracking the Corporate Code looks at the factors that have framed the careers озмии of 32 African-American executives, whose accomplishments have made valuable contributions to the success of organizations ranging from Pepsi, Kraft, GE, Merrill Lynch, and Miller Brewing to Prudential, Sears, Verizon, American Express, Chrysler, and BP These men and women, in wide-ranging interviews, discuss what motivated them, recount sources of support and conflict, and reveal the strategies they developed to acquire and use power and to achieve undisputed corporate results The authors have analyzed the experiences selectively, resulting in a book that is both an inspiration and a call to action Cracking the Corporate Code is an eye-opening and practical guide for anyone who seeks to blend professional, personal, and cultural identities into an individual formula for success.  ISBN 0814407714.

Мост в вечность Покаяние по учению Православной Церкви артикул 12693d.
Мост в вечность Покаяние по учению Православной Церкви артикул 12693d.

Составитель: Татьяна Никитина Книга магистра богословия прот Ростислава Лозинского об учении Православной Церкви о покаянии, написанная им в 1934 году и впоследствии дополненная, озмйм долгое время имела практическое значение как пособие для молодых пастырей В книге на примере Священного Писания (Ветхого и Нового Завета) и по учению Священного Предания Церкви рассматривается покаяние как особое чувство в душе человека, свойственное людям всех времен; формулируется сущность Таинства покаяния; приводятся примеры (62 варианта) общего исповедания грехов Покаяние очищает внутреннее око души, которое освобождаясь от греховного засорения, становится не только более чистым, но, в свою очередь, способствует увеличению покаянного чувства Как достижение Царства Небесного невозможно без труда (Мф 11, 12), так и развитие в душе непре-стающего покаяния является плодом усилий или подвигом жизни христианина Святитель Игнатий Брянчанинов суммировал сущность покаяния в таких словах: "При крещении мы рождаемся водою и Духом; при покаянии возрождаемся слезами и Духом" Книга полностью публикуется впервые Автор Протоиерей Ростислав Лозинский.  Издательство: Паломник, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 320 стр ISBN 5-88060-068-8 Тираж: 6000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

RPG Maker 2 : Prima's Official Strategy Guide артикул 12695d.
RPG Maker 2 : Prima's Official Strategy Guide артикул 12695d.

Book DescriptionBuild It and They Will Play! ·Quick-start tutorial to create your own adventure in an afternoon ·Strategies for using every editor, database, and creation tool ·Detailed, step-by-step instructions to build your own world, town, and dungeon ·Thumbnails of every building, texture, item, character, and enemy for quick reference озмйц ·Complete walkthrough of the Fu-Ma role-playing game.  2003 г 152 стр ISBN 0761543562.

The Modern RPG IV Language, 3rd Edition артикул 12697d.
The Modern RPG IV Language, 3rd Edition артикул 12697d.

Book DescriptionThe Modern RPG IV Language has been a best seller ever since its first edition was published in 1988 Then it was simply The Modern RPG Language, but like the language itself, the book has grown and expanded over the years as new featuresand function have been added to RPG It has become the comprehensive text used by tens of thousands озмйэ of RPG developers worldwide Now, in this 3rd edition, internationally recognized RPG expert Bob Cozzi has updated his classic work on RPG IV to cover allthe new functions and features that have been added to the language since 1999, including explanation of all the alternate syntax options and the more than 30 new op codes and built-in functions The Modern RPG IV Language, 3rd Edition takes you through RPG IV, from its foundation to its most advanced techniques At the core of this book are its chapters on built-in functions and op codes In these chapters, Bob details each built-in function and op code with syntax tables that give you all the information you need at a glance This is much more than just a book on rules, however Bob includes more than 100 charts and tables showing how those rules apply and provides more than 350 real-life code samples of functions and operations! Youll turn to this book again and again as you program in RPG IV It is the quintessential reference for every RPG programmer.  2003 г 600 стр ISBN 1583470425.

Пропедевтика психогигиенической антропогогики Учебное пособие артикул 12699d.
Пропедевтика психогигиенической антропогогики Учебное пособие артикул 12699d.

Художник: Е Соловьева В пособии изложена авторская концепция структуры психической реальности Продемонстрирована возможность ее использования при описании многообразия озмкб нарушений психики и психокоррекционных технологий Пособие адресовано студентам факультета психологии, изучающим курс методики преподавания психологии, а также слушателям, повышающим квалификацию или проходящим переподготовку по направлениям и специальностям `Психология`, `Педагогика` и `Социальная работа` Автор Владислав Гинецинский.  Издательство: Издательский дом Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета Мягкая обложка, 156 стр ISBN 5-288-02405-7 Тираж: 800 экз Формат: 60x84/16 (~143х205 мм).

Cooperative Information Agents VII: 7th International Workshop, CIA 2003, Helsinki, Finland, August 2003 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2782,) артикул 12701d.
Cooperative Information Agents VII: 7th International Workshop, CIA 2003, Helsinki, Finland, August 2003 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2782,) артикул 12701d.

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th Information Agents, CIA 2002, held in Helsinki, Finland in August 2003 The 17 revised full papers and 6 revised short papers presented together with 2 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 60 submissions The papers are organized in topical sections on pervasive information озмкн service provision, information agents and peer-to-peer computing, trading and negotiation, information gathering and integration, collaborative search and filtering, collaboration in open environments, trust in agent-based information provision, and information agent systems engineering.  ISBN 3540407987.

Art of the Strategist, The: 10 Essential Principles for Leading Your Company to Victory артикул 12703d.
Art of the Strategist, The: 10 Essential Principles for Leading Your Company to Victory артикул 12703d.

From ancient battlefields to the modern business landscape, competitors have tried innumerable approaches to conquering adversaries Success for the victors has taken many forms and traveled many paths, but at its heart, winning strategy can be boiled down to ten universal principles When learned and implemented, these principals become powerful озмкь drivers of business excellence Renowned strategy expert William A Cohen, whose considerable experience in the military, corporate, and academic sectors forms the basis for The Art of the Strategist, presents the timeless lessons of: * commitment to a definite objective * seizing and maintaining the initiative * economization to mass (concentration of resources) * positioning * surprise * multiple simultaneous alternatives * the indirect approach * simplicity * timing * exploiting success With examples including the conquests of Hannibal and Alexander the Great, the political triumphs of Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the business successes of internet giant VeriSign and other high-profile companies, The Art of the Strategist proves how superior strategy trumps other factors in almost every competitive arena The ten lessons in turn form a roadmap to decisive victory in business.  ISBN 081440782X.

The Power of We : Succeeding Through Partnerships артикул 12705d.
The Power of We : Succeeding Through Partnerships артикул 12705d.

"In The Power of We, Jonathan Tisch reminds us again that working together still yields the best results Jon has spent a lifetime mobilizing people and organizations to get a job done in business and in civic service His experience, optimism, intelligence, and common sense are reflected in this fresh look at the rewards of partnerships " President озмлд Bill Clinton "The Power of We,offers a clear and compelling lesson in how todays business leaders can create new synergies and gain competitive advantage by learning how to partner successfully " Kenneth I Chenault Chairman and CEO American Express Company "Jon Tisch has lived the strategy he describes in The Power of We, and now this extraordinary man and successful leader shares his strategy with us Building partnerships at all levelssocial, intellectual, and political, as well as entrepreneurialwill be one of the keys to progress in the coming decades Jon Tisch provides a road map for those who grasp that reality " John Sexton President, New York University "Being a leader requires vision, focus, and influence Jonathan Tisch has exhibited all three in this great body of work about what it takes to be a partner and something bigger than yourself The Power of We is a must read " Pat Riley President, The Miami HEAT.  ISBN 0471652822.

Component Level Programming артикул 12707d.
Component Level Programming артикул 12707d.

Filling a wide gap in the field of programming, this unique book covers the other side of component-based developmentthe development of the components themselves This book not only shows readers how to develop a wide variety of components, but it also shows them how to divide an application into components and host-level coding For computer озмлл programmers who want to learn component level programming, a very marketable skill.  ISBN 013045804X.

Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents) артикул 12709d.
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents) артикул 12709d.

Mobile robots range from the teleoperated Sojourner on the Mars Pathfinder mission to cleaning robots in the Paris Metro Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots offers students and other interested readers an overview of the technology of mobility--the mechanisms that allow a mobile robot to move through a real world environment to perform озмлп its tasks--including locomotion, sensing, localization, and motion planning It discusses all facets of mobile robotics, including hardware design, wheel design, kinematics analysis, sensors and perception, localization, mapping, and robot control architectures The design of any successful robot involves the integration of many different disciplines, among them kinematics, signal analysis, information theory, artificial intelligence, and probability theory Reflecting this, the book presents the techniques and technology that enable mobility in a series of interacting modules Each chapter covers a different aspect of mobility, as the book moves from low-level to high-level details The first two chapters explore low-level locomotory ability, examining robots' wheels and legs and the principles of kinematics This is followed by an in-depth view of perception, including descriptions of many "off-the-shelf" sensors and an analysis of the interpretation of sensed data The final two chapters consider the higher-level challenges of localization and cognition, discussing successful localization strategies, autonomous mapping, and navigation competence Bringing together all aspects of mobile robotics into one volume, Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots can serve as a textbook for coursework or a working tool for beginners in the field.  ISBN 026219502X.

Postfix: The Definitive Guide артикул 12711d.
Postfix: The Definitive Guide артикул 12711d.

Postfix is a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA): software that mail servers use to route email Postfix is highly respected by experts for its secure design and tremendous reliability And new users like it because it's so simple to configure In fact, Postfix has been adopted as the default MTA on Mac OS X It is also compatible with sendmail, so that existing scripts озмль and programs continue to work seamlessly after it is installed Postfix was written by well-known security expert Wietse Venema, who reviewed thisbook intensively during its entire development Author Kyle Dent covers a wide range of Postfix tasks, from virtual hosting to controls for unsolicited commercial email While basic configuration of Postfix is easy, every site has unique needs that call for a certain amount of study This book, with careful background explanations and generous examples, eases readers from the basic configuration to the full power of Postfix It discusses the Postfix interfaces to various tools that round out a fully scalable and highly secure email system These tools include POP, IMAP, LDAP, MySQL, Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL), and Transport Layer Security (TLS, an upgrade of SSL) A reference section for Postfix configuration parameters and an installation guide are included Topics include: Basic installation and configuration DNS configuration for email Working with POP/IMAP servers Hosting multiple domains (virtual hosting) Mailing lists Handling unsolicited email (spam blocking) Security through SASL and TLS From compiling and installing Postfix to troubleshooting, Postfix: The Definitive Guide offers system administrators and anyone who deals with Postfix an all-in-one, comprehensive tutorial and reference to this MTA 1 edition Автор Кайли Дент Kyle D Dent.  Издательство: O'Reilly Media, 2003 г Мягкая обложка, 278 стр ISBN 0596002122.

The Complete Guide to Coaching at Work артикул 12658d.
The Complete Guide to Coaching at Work артикул 12658d.

The Complete Guide to Coaching at Work is a timely and important book for people looking to step into the dynamic and progressive area of coaching This comprehensive, unique reference explains the basic principle and key concepts behind this increasingly well recognized, effective method of achieving change and development in organizations озмео Coaching follows a well-defined, systematic logic which produces results that can be powerful This book provides a concise, step-by-step blueprint of successful coaching methods, models and tools, using case studies and an accessible format to make it easy to use and informative It contains useful insights on how to permanently enhance personal and organizational effectiveness, performance and growth in the workplace The authors have combined their wealth of research, professional knowledge and experience as successful Master Coaches to write this book and make a valuable and substantial contribution to current literature on coaching.  ISBN 0074708422.

An Introduction to Object COBOL артикул 12660d.
An Introduction to Object COBOL артикул 12660d.

Are You Ready to Meet the Demand for Object COBOL Programming? Now you can keep up-to-date with the newest standards in COBOL With its use of straightforward language and real-world examples, An Introduction To Object COBOL is a concise and accessible introduction to using Object COBOL You'll discover how object technology is applied and how the озмжд resulting Object COBOL code is constructed All of the programs included in the text can be downloaded from the Wiley web site (www wiley com/college/) You are encouraged to execute and experiment with them As you work with these programs and follow the related case study, you will gain important experience in using Object COBOL in a business environment Inside these pages you will: * Keep up-to-date with the state-of-the-art in COBOL programming * Understand the relationship of object technology to the business environment * See how object technology is applied to real-life examples * Receive a non-technical introduction to objecttechnology without the use of intensive vocabulary.  ISBN 0471183466.

Java for RPG and COBOL Programmers on iSeries Student WorkBook артикул 12662d.
Java for RPG and COBOL Programmers on iSeries Student WorkBook артикул 12662d.

This student workbook companion to Java for S/390 and AS/400 COBOL Programmers and Java for RPG Programmers contains a list of key terms, multiple choice and short-answer questions, and hands-on lab exercises The included CD-ROM contains a fully functional version of Eclipse, the open-source project workbench, complete with a rich set of tools озмжй for Java application development The lab exercises use Eclipse as the starting point for developing code and mastering the Eclipse tool set Answers to the questions in the workbook and the solution files to the labs are included on the CD-ROM.  ISBN 1931182191.

Reversing the Ostrich Approach to Diversity: Pulling your head out of the sand артикул 12664d.
Reversing the Ostrich Approach to Diversity: Pulling your head out of the sand артикул 12664d.

Reversing the Ostrich Approach to Diversity: Pulling your head out of the sand -- is a timely answer to the renewed urgency for diversity information, and quick implementation of action Presenting five, simple concepts for diversity awareness, the author, Dr A S Tolbert, uses poignant, humorous examples and illustrations that mirror common озмжо behavior back to the reader If I can get people laughing at themselves, says Tolbert, much of the initial resistance to breaking a stereotypical mindset vanishes People become less defensive, more open-minded, and receptive to making a few changes Once each concept has been introduced and explained, Tolbert takes the reader through a series of end-of-chapter exercises that jump-startsindividual action Dealing with diversity challenges doesnt have to take weeks out of peoples already over-booked schedules Tolberts basic, to-the-point information, followed by do-it-now action steps, quickly sets the wheels of change in motion Its the kind of unifying change that also brings an opportunity to positively impact relationships, productivity, and profits.  ISBN 0967029139.

Всемирный светильник Житие преподобного Серафима, Саровского чудотворца артикул 12666d.
Всемирный светильник Житие преподобного Серафима, Саровского чудотворца артикул 12666d.

Имя преподобного Серафима Саровского знает каждый русский человек О нем написаны десятки книг и снято множество фильмов При жизни к нему стекались тысячи После смерти - миллионы озмжр Его молитвенное предстояние хранит наше Отечество, спасает и излечивает множество людей Каждый человек должен знать жизнь святого старца Серафима, учась у него вере и любви, подражая ему в мудрости и добре Одобрено издательским советом Русской Православной Церкви Автор Митрополит Вениамин (Федченков).  Издательство: Даръ, 2006 г Твердый переплет, 464 стр ISBN 5-485-00053-3 Тираж: 7000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

The 60-Minute Active Training Series: How to Bring Out the Better Side of Difficult People, Participant's Workbook (Active Training Series) артикул 12668d.
The 60-Minute Active Training Series: How to Bring Out the Better Side of Difficult People, Participant's Workbook (Active Training Series) артикул 12668d.

Book DescriptionFaced with people we don’t like or don’t understand, most of us tend to write them off, or worse still, vent about them to others How to Bring Out the Better Side of Difficult People, Participants Workbook from the popular 60-Minute Active Training Series offers you an effective, yet brief training session that teaches you how озмжц to approach difficult people in productive ways Specifically, you will be learn how to Draw out people rather than closing them down Overcome your barriers to understanding others Look beyond the surface to learn what make people “tick” Take a novel approach when a relationship feels stuck.  2004 г ISBN 0787973580.

Adventure in the Amazon (Pfeiffer) артикул 12670d.
Adventure in the Amazon (Pfeiffer) артикул 12670d.

In this exciting activity, participants face a simulated "jungle survival " They must reach agreement in this imaginary setting in order to succeed, and they learn why consensus produces the best decisions When their plane makes an emergency landing in the jungle, participants need to decide which of 15 items on the plane--including озмжщ tallow candles, a pistol, safari hats, and other objects--would be most essential to their survival First, as individuals, participants rate the 15 items Then participants collaborate as a group and attempt to decide on the best course of action When they cooperate, they experience the spark of synergy as never before! Use this gripping simulation to: Improve decision-making skills Enhanceproblem-solving abilities Strengthen group cooperation Show groups the power of synergy and much more! Human resource professionals, team leaders, and managers piloting a team development effort, will want to conduct this refreshing activity with their groups and teams in any work setting.  ISBN 0787939803.

Arctic Expedition (Pfeiffer) артикул 12672d.
Arctic Expedition (Pfeiffer) артикул 12672d.

Spark synergy in an icy wasteland! With this activity, work groups wander into the unknown and they emerge as high-performing teams Activity participants embark on a simulated journey through a frozen, forbidding landscape, and experience team synergy as they never dreamed possible The leader and participants will have a perfect opportunity озмжь to examine the impact of their interpersonal behaviors on one another, on the group's effectiveness, and on the outcome of their adventure Any work setting is suitable for conducting this activity The facilitator, who does not need to be a training professional, will need a copy of The Leader's Manual, which contains detailed instructions about conducting the simulation Each participant needs a copy of The Activity, the guidebook to this exhilarating experience Teams rarely realize that their combined force vastly exceeds the power of any single team member In this icy wasteland, leaders will spark a synergy that sets teams afire!.  ISBN 0787939773.

Клиническая иммунология артикул 12674d.
Клиническая иммунология артикул 12674d.

В руководстве подробно изложены основные вопросы современной клинической иммунологии Дана характеристика структурной организации иммунной системы, функций клеточного озмзв и гуморального иммунитета, их связи с неспецифическими факторами защиты Представлены варианты клинических проявлений, развивающихся при нарушении функции иммунной системы, описаны первичные и вторичные иммунодефициты Особое внимание уделено этиологии, патогенезу, классификации, клинике, диагностике, лечению и профилактике ВИЧ-инфекции Дляиммунологов, аллергологов, инфекционистов, терапевтов и студентов старших курсов медицинских вузов Авторы Юрий Митин Евгений Белозеров Евгений Змушко.  Серия: Современная медицина.

Corporate Voodoo: Business Principles for Mavericks and Magicians артикул 12676d.
Corporate Voodoo: Business Principles for Mavericks and Magicians артикул 12676d.

Why do many companies find it so hard to escape the pull of the past? Why do many individuals keep resorting to learned behaviour, the habits and ideas that may have brought them success in the past, but which will leave them adrift in the fast-moving currents of the new economy? What is the spell that keeps them so immobilised? It's the Voodoo And what озмзо is the magic that can release us all - organisations and individuals, leaders and the led, employees and free agents, parents and children and candlestick makers - into a world of power, creativity, connection and achievement? It's also the Voodoo The power comes from knowing the difference VOODOO is suspicious of the neat and tidy answer VOODOO inhabits the dreamworld VOODOO asks: Why clarify the contradictions? VOODOO asks: Are you thrilling yourself today? VOODOO asks: Why predict the future when you can make it? VOODOO says: Write your own most compelling story about you VOODOO is not in the cornflakes VOODOO asks: When was your last life-changing moment? VOODOOcelebrates VOODOO is not found in the kitchen at parties VOODOO values the vibe VOODOO asks: In what ways should you be fearful of yourself? VOODOO connects to a powerful future VOODOO says: If you are failing - fail fast VOODOO catches you doing things right VOODOO finishes off your sentences VOODOO practitioners punch way above their weight VOODOO is the goal scorer never the goalkeeper VOODOO is more than mere magic, it's your magic.  ISBN 1841121576.

Анемии у детей артикул 12678d.
Анемии у детей артикул 12678d.

В руководстве подробно описаны анемии различного генеза Приведены современные данные об этиологии, патогенезе, клинических проявлениях, диагностике, лечении и профилактике озмзц анемий у детей Дана общая характеристика гемо- и эритропоэза Описаны особенностипериферической крови в возрастном аспекте, лабораторного обследования и чтения эритроцитарных параметров автоматического анализа крови Для педиатров, гематологов, врачей общей практики и студентов старших курсов медицинских вузов Авторы Л Жукова А Папаян.  Серия: Современная медицина.

Python Standard Library (Nutshell Handbooks) артикул 12680d.
Python Standard Library (Nutshell Handbooks) артикул 12680d.

Python Standard Library is an essential guide for serious Python programmers In this book, author Fredrik Lundh, creator of the Python Imaging Library (PIL), delivers tested, accurate documentation of all the modules in the Python Standard Library, including basic support modules, operating system interfaces, network protocols, file formats, озмзщ data conversions, threads and processes, and data storage Supplementing this documentation are over 300 annotated example scripts using the modules This book is based on the author's work with the Python newsgroup: he reviewed over 2500 questions and answers to that newsgroup in order to make sure the book covered what Python users really wanted to know This version of the book covers Python 2 0, the first new major release of Python in four years Автор Fredrik Lundh.  2001 г Мягкая обложка, 300 стр ISBN 0596000960.

Ежедневный справочник православного христианина артикул 12682d.
Ежедневный справочник православного христианина артикул 12682d.

Однажды утром вы проснулись от колокольного звона Не важно звучит ли он на улице или в вашем сердце Господь, призывает к себе людей разными путями Словом, вы решились пойти в храм озмзы Как реализовать это благое желание, когда очень смутно представляешь себе, что и как там надо делать, чтобы не выглядеть белой вороной? Как научиться тому, что даст возможность не спрашивать у первого встречного в храме, как поступать и почему? Вот об этом наша книжка Пусть она станет вашим другом и советчиком Автор Евгений Дудкин (составитель, автор).  Издательства: Артос-Медиа, Крестовоздвиженское православное братство, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 320 стр Тираж: 10000 экз Формат: 70x100/32 (~120х165 мм).

Экстренная медицинская помощь Справочник практикующего врача артикул 12684d.
Экстренная медицинская помощь Справочник практикующего врача артикул 12684d.

Составитель: Владимир Бородулин Все авторы Предлагаемая вашему вниманию книга является одним из самых полных справочных пособий, посвященных оказанию экстренной медицинской озмзю помощи Издание полностью охватывает все необходимые медицинские знания по основным патологическим состояниям, требующим неотложной терапии Основная задача справочника - дать максимально четкое представление обо всех необходимых действиях, от которых напрямую зависят успех дальнейшего лечения, здоровье и жизнь больного В книге приведены описания основных диагностических признаков, которые указывают на патологическое состояние; основные приемы и средства экстренной терапии; сведения о терапевтических заболеваниях, острых отравлениях, хирургической патологии, неотложной психиатрии, а также об острых состояниях, вызванных внешними воздействиями (тепловой удар, переохлаждение, электротравма и так далее) Книга отличается максимально удобной структурой, четкостью и точностью в подаче материала Данный справочник адресован врачам общей практики, врачам скорой помощи, средним медицинским работникам и студентам медицинских учебных заведений Книга также выходит под названием "Новейшая энциклопедия экстренной медицинской помощи" Авторы (показать всех авторов) А Киссин Олег Левин В Москвичев.  Серия: Библиотека энциклопедических словарей (БЭС).

Cool Companies: How the Best Businesses Boost Profits and Productivity by Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions артикул 12686d.
Cool Companies: How the Best Businesses Boost Profits and Productivity by Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions артикул 12686d.

Despite ongoing negotiations, consensus has not yet been reached on what action will be taken to combat global warming A number of companies have looked beyond the current stalemate to see the prospect of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions not as a roadblock to growth and innovation but as a unique opportunity to increase profits and productivity озмив These "cool" companies understand the strategic importance of reducing heat-trapping emissions and have worked to cut their emissions by fifty percent or more In the process, they have not only reduced their energy bill, but have increased their productivity, sometimes dramatically In Cool Companies, energy expert Joseph Romm describes the experiences of these remarkable firms, as he presents more than fifty case studies in which bottom line improvements have been achieved by improving processes, increasing energy efficiency, and adopting new technologies Romm places efforts to reduce emissions in the context of proven corporate strategies, showing managers how they can build or retrofit their operations with the latest technologies to reduce emissions and achieve quick returns on the investment Case studies explain: the concept of "lean production" and why systematic efforts to reduce emissions so often lead to productivity gains how changes in office and building design can significantly increase productivity, greatly compounding gains achieved from increased energy efficiency options for "cool" power-from cogeneration to solar, wind,and geothermal energy energy efficiency in manufacturing, including motors and motor systems, steam, and process energy In profiling successful companies such as DuPont, 3M, Compaq, Xerox, Toyota, Verifone, Perkin-Elmer, and Centerplex, among many others, Cool Companies turns on its head the notion that the effort to combat global warming will come with massive costs to the industrial sector It is a unique and essential business book for anyone concerned with increasing profits and productivity while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  ISBN 1559637099.

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties (Oxford Handbooks Series) артикул 12688d.
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties (Oxford Handbooks Series) артикул 12688d.

More than ever, the sixth edition of the highly acclaimed Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties fulfils its role as the essential one-stop port of call for all the clinical specialties: Obstetrics, Gynacology, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Primary Care, ENT, Eyes, Skin diseases, Anaesthesia, Orthopaedics & Trauma It's ten books in one, озмид and from this point of view alone it must be the best-value medical book ever And it's an exciting read because, by virtue of its diversity and because within it all the specialties are interrelated, it offers unrivalled opportunities for multidisciplinary learning It's only one inch thick, yet in this inch lie all the ideas and facts essential to those who will or who are already caring for patients whose needs may or may not fit within the traditional bounds of individual specialties The ideas may be difficult, and the facts may be numerous, but here they are made comprehensible and memorable, laid out in the Oxford Handbook's characteristic style, the consistent page-a-topic format with space for the reader's own updatings and refinements So this new edition scores 10 out of 10 because: 1 Its ten books for the price of one - so there is no medical exam that it cannot help you to pass (for a start, it even teaches you to master your own anxiety) 2 It's intimately linked to the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, so that together they provide an internally consistent view of the whole of clinical medicine and cover everything you need to know about medicine and surgery 3 Full of practical advice, with step-by-step guides and dosages given in full 4 It's thoroughly up-to-date and more evidence-based than ever before 5 With many hundreds of links to reliable medical internet sites such as Medline and Clinical Evidence, it is easy for readers to probe beneath the topics covered 6 It's holistic and multidisciplinary 7 It's authoritative (all sections double-checked by senior specialists) - yet always aware of medicine's short-comings 8 It's human, it's humorous, yet all the while it is deeply serious about communicating not just recipes for care but a philosophy of medicine which has come to be respected around the world 9 More illustrations, with new colour pictures in Opthamology and Dermatology 10 It's small; it's neat - and it just can't wait to get into your pocket 6th edition Авторы Judith Collier Марри Лонгмор Murray Longmore.  Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2003 г Интегральный переплет, 816 стр ISBN 0198525184.

Справочник-путеводитель практикующего врача 2000 болезней от А до Я артикул 12690d.
Справочник-путеводитель практикующего врача 2000 болезней от А до Я артикул 12690d.

Составитель: Эрнст Улумбеков Редакторы: Игорь Денисов Юрий Шевченко Однотомный клинический справочник, содержащий информацию о 4000 заболеваниях и синдромах (подробно описано озмиз не менее 2500 нозологических единиц), снабженный обширным предметным указателем и приложениями Каждое заболевание описано по схеме: определение, эпидемиология, классификация, этиология, патогенез, клиническая картина, диагностика, лечение, профилактика и прогноз Отличительные черты справочника: энциклопедичность, новейшая и достоверная информация, удобство в использовании, соответствие системе здравоохранения России Издание подготовлено благодаря поддержке Минздрава России, Российской академии медицинских наук и медицинских вузов России Предназначен врачам всех специальностей, студентам медицинских вузов, научным работникам, организаторам здравоохранения 2-е издание.  Серия: Доказательная медицина.

Categories for Software Engineering артикул 12692d.
Categories for Software Engineering артикул 12692d.

Book DescriptionThis book provides a gentle, software engineering oriented introduction to category theory Assuming only a minimum of mathematical preparation, this book explores the use of categorical constructions from the point of view of the methodsand techniques that have been proposed for the engineering of complex software systems: озмйа object-oriented development, software architectures, logical and algebraic specification techniques, models of concurrency, inter alia After two parts in which basicand more advanced categorical concepts and techniques are introduced, the book illustrates their application to the semantics of CommUnity – a language for the architectural design of interactive systems.  2004 г 250 стр ISBN 3540209093.

Agent-Oriented Information Systems II : 6th International Bi-Conference Workshop, AOIS 2004, Riga, Latvia, June 8, 2004 and New York, NY, USA, July 20, / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) артикул 12694d.
Agent-Oriented Information Systems II : 6th International Bi-Conference Workshop, AOIS 2004, Riga, Latvia, June 8, 2004 and New York, NY, USA, July 20, / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) артикул 12694d.

Book DescriptionThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 6th International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems, AOIS 2004, held in Riga, Latvia in June and in New York, NY, USA in July 2004 The 15 revised full papers presented have gone through two rounds of reviewing and improvement and озмйс were selected from an initial total of 36 submissions The papers are organized in topical sections on information systems, analysis and modeling, methodologies, andapplications.  2005 г 227 стр ISBN 3540259112.

Хозяин Гнилого болота артикул 12696d.
Хозяин Гнилого болота артикул 12696d.

Художник: Александр Яцкевич Что может быть скучнее каникул в богом забытой деревне, где нет даже дискотеки! Тоска зеленая Зеленая? Как те загадочные огоньки, что всю дорогу от озмйш станции тучей летели за Вовкой и Агатой Неужели прав прадедушка, и это колобродит нечистая сила? Апочему бы и нет, если рядом с деревней раскинулось болото, о котором ходят жуткие слухи И вдобавок вокруг бродит зловещий черный кот: говорят, встретишь его - жди беды Да, чего - чего, а скучать этим летом брату с сестрой явно не придется! Как снежныйком, обрушиваются на ребят таинственные и леденящие кровь события Словно по волшебству, начинают исполняться желания, а затем Автор Леонид Влодавец.  Серия: Страшилки.

Strategies That Win Sales : Best Practices of the World's Leading Organizations артикул 12698d.
Strategies That Win Sales : Best Practices of the World's Leading Organizations артикул 12698d.

As senior managers at AchieveGlobal, one of the world's leading sales organizations, the authors know what it takes for companies to position themselves for growth Today's complex selling environment has altered the definition of what it takes to be truly successful Companies need to do more, more, more: grow more revenue, add more customers, озмка and utilize more marketing channels Sales performance consultants Mark Marone and Seleste Lunsford, and the team at AchieveGlobal, identified 17 business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) organizations from various industries that have successfully and aggressively pursued and implemented cutting-edge global solutions to these issues They then conducted in-depth phone and face-to-face research with 150 individuals from the high-performing sales organizations, including Marriott International, HP, Office Depot, Sprint PCS, Yellow Book USA, Ingersol Rand, Fuji-Xerox, and TD Waterhouse Strategies That Win Sales goes beyond the nuts and bolts of sales process books by identifying higher-level challenges, including how to: * Segment customers * Align a sales force with today's more sophisticated and knowledgeable customers * Extend multichannel strategies, including distributors, e-commerce, teleselling, and face-to- face selling * Implement e-commerce, customer relationship management, and sales force automation * Train salespeople to be competitive and grow revenue in this new business environment The book's narrative format contains examples, cutting-edge solutions, case studies, and quotations from participating companies, as well as trends and predictions for the future.  ISBN 0793188601.

Making Marketing Happen : How Great Companies Make Strategic Planning Work артикул 12700d.
Making Marketing Happen : How Great Companies Make Strategic Planning Work артикул 12700d.

Book Description'Making Marketing Happen' is prompted by needs of practising managers who have found the traditional marketing planning texts to be "fine in theory, but hard to apply to my special market" In short, it holds that marketing planning failsfor most companies because it either does not fit their organizational culture, озмки their market conditions or both Successful companies do not plan They use a hybrid strategy making process including vision, incrementalism and planning The ratio of these three things is critical and the right ratio is unique to every company The author develops this argument and explains how companies can construct the right hybrid strategy making process for their situation The book has been designed for those practising managers who need more than the planning text book It will tell you: * Why attempts at planning are foiled by the market, the company culture or both * How effective strategists don't plan, but use organizationally tailoredstrategy making processes * How to design the right process for your company and your market * How to know if the strategy you make is strong before you implement it "An incredibly practical and hands-on book concerned with the realities of doing strategic marketing planning to enhance customer and shareholder value It is packed with new ideas and practical tools and should be on every marketing manager's desk " Professor Nigel F Piercy, Professor of Marketing, Warwick Business School This book starts where most others finish making the theory work in the real world Having done an MBA and held several Senior Marketing positions, I recommend it both to practising marketers who already have a thorough understanding of marketing theory and also to MBA students who are eager to apply their knowledge within their own organisations framework Mathias Aeberhardt, Director Business Intelligence Europe, Zimmer GmbH As a strategic marketing professionals working in the fast-moving and complex world of UK retail banking and personal financial services, inevitable time pressures demand that we must be highly selective in the material we choose to read Within this context, I would recommend 'Make Marketing Happen' as aninvaluable investment of scarce managerial time The text is full of practical guidance and exciting insights into the world of strategic market planning and is presented in an informative and highly accessible format - well worth the read Dr Jansen Ryder, Product Manager, Halifax Bank of Scotland "Making Marketing Happen is one of those rare marketing books that brings the right information to the table at precisely the right time As a senior marketer in the highly competitive automotive industry, I have struggled with what the appropriate measures of marketing value are now, and what they should be in the future in order to maintain a competitive edge Brian Smith has provided a detailed, pragmatic approach to marketing strategy withnot only interesting examples but also with clear advise to make marketing really happen The text is concise and clearly presented Most of all, Making Marketing Happen is very readable and enjoyable to read " Willem Verschuur, GM Product Marketing Management, Mitsubishi Motors Europe B V In the past writing on Marketing Planning seems to have been dominated by mechanistic planning models This book brings a welcome insight into other approaches and their application and challenges managers to think about what works for them Gerry Johnson, Professor of Strategic Management, University of Strathclyde Graduate School of Business * Shows how to implement marketing plans rather than simply construct them * Addresses the real issues facing companies and demonstrates how to tailor plans to individual situations * Highlights why marketing plans fail and how these difficulties can be overcome.  2005 г ISBN 0750662484.

В поисках "безгрешных катакомб" Церковное подполье в СССР артикул 12702d.
В поисках "безгрешных катакомб" Церковное подполье в СССР артикул 12702d.

В книге впервые в отечественной историографии систематически исследуется нелегальная (запрещенная советским законодательством) церковная жизнь советского периода озмкр Автор рассматривает ее историю во взаимосвязи с государственной политикой в отношении Церкви и описывает многообразие церковного подполья В поле его зрения попадают и нелегальные приходские и монашеские общины, и подпольная благотворительность, и хозяйственная деятельность, и паломничества к неофициальным святыням Отдельно рассмотрена проблема взаимоотношений с церковным подпольем легальной иерархии Русской Православной Церкви и ее роль в легализации подпольных общин в 1940-е гг , а также кризис традиционной религиозной культуры, имевший место среди участников нелегальных общин в послевоенные годы Первостепенное внимание в книге уделяется периоду 1920-1940-х гг , при этом важнейшие тенденции, характерные для церковного подполья, автор прослеживает вплоть до 1980-х гг Книга адресована как специалистам, так и всем, интересующимся отечественной и церковной историей советского периода Автор Алексей Беглов.  Издательства: Издательский Совет Русской Православной Церкви, Арефа, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 352 стр ISBN 978-5-94625-303-1 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 70x100/16 (~167x236 мм).

Advanced Topics in Computational Partial Differential Equations артикул 12704d.
Advanced Topics in Computational Partial Differential Equations артикул 12704d.

Редакторы: Hans P Langtangen Aslak Tveito The book is suitable for readers with a background in basic finite element and finite difference methods for partial differential equations who wants gentle introductions to advanced topics like parallel computing, multigrid methods, and special methods for systems of PDEs The goal of all озмкэ chapters is to "compute" solutions to problems, hence algorithmic and software issues play a central role All software examples use the Diffpack programming environment, so to take advantage of these examples some experience with Diffpack is required There are also some chapters covering complete applications, i e , the way from a model, expressed as systems of PDEs, through discretization methods, algorithms, software design, verification, and computational examples.  Издательство: Springer, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 658 стр ISBN 3540014381 Язык: Английский.

Behavioral Specifications of Businesses and Systems (THE KLUWER INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 523) артикул 12706d.
Behavioral Specifications of Businesses and Systems (THE KLUWER INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 523) артикул 12706d.

Behavioral Specifications of Businesses and Systems deals with the reading, writing and understanding of specifications The papers presented in this book describe useful and sometimes elegant concepts, good practices (in programming and in specifications), and solid underlying theory that is of interest and importance to those who deal озмлй with increased complexity of business and systems Most concepts have been successfully used in actual industrial projects, while others are from the forefront of research Authors include practitioners, business thinkers, academics and applied mathematicians These seemingly different papers address different aspects of a single problem -- taming complexity Behavioral Specifications of Businesses and Systems emphasizessimplicity and elegance in specifications without concentrating on particular methodologies, languages or tools It shows how to handle complexity, and, specifically, how to succeed in understanding and specifying businesses and systems based upon precise and abstract concepts It promotes reuse of such concepts, and of constructs based on them, without taking reuse for granted Behavioral Specifications of Businesses and Systems is the second volume of papers based on a series of workshops held alongside ACM's annual conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications (OOPSLA) and European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP) The first volume, Object-Oriented Behavioral Specifications, edited by Haim Kilov and William Harvey, was published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1996.  ISBN 0792386299.

Домашняя птица Разведение и уход артикул 12708d.
Домашняя птица Разведение и уход артикул 12708d.

В книге содержатся сведения, касающиеся разведения домашней птицы В ней даны характеристики самых распространенных пород кур, гусей, уток, цесарок, индеек, перепелов, рекомендации озмлн по составлению рационов их кормления, описаны способы переработки хранения сырья, а также рецепты блюд из мяса птицы Книга предназначена для владельцев небольших частных хозяйств Автор Т Утенкова (составитель, автор).  Серия: Практические рекомендации фермерам.

Уроки верховой езды артикул 12710d.
Уроки верховой езды артикул 12710d.

Тысячелетия пролетели с тех незапамятных времен, когда конь стал верным другом человеку Он был незаменимым работником, из последних сил служившим хозяину, боевым соратником, озмлщ выносившим все тяготы войн и дальних походов, символом могущества и знатности, принимавшим почести благородным героем Но и в наше время, когда дети, еще не умея говорить, уже тянутся к компьютеру, а любой материк можно пересечь за несколько часов, мы не забываем о прекрасном, благородном животном, которому многим обязано человечество, - о лошади В этой книге рассказывается о том, как можно понять лошадиный `язык`, как правильно обращаться с конем, ухаживать за ним, а самое главное - как научиться ездить верхом, стать настоящим `кентавром`, ведь стоит лишь раз ощутить на своей ладони бархатистые губы, услышать звонкое приветствие из денника - и вы ощутите, пусть хотя бы на время, ни с чем не сравнимую радость Авторы Татьяна Ливанова Мария Ливанова.  Издательство: Компания Дельта М Мягкая обложка, 96 стр ISBN 5-94107-018-7 Тираж: 10000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Мир лошадей артикул 12712d.
Мир лошадей артикул 12712d.

Книга в увлекательной форме рассказывает о многообразии мира лошадей: их происхождении, одомашнивании, хозяйственном и спортивном использовании Приводятся сведения более озмлю чем о 400 породах этих удивительных животных, дается описание конных состязаний и развлечений Содержатся рекомендации по кормлению, лечению, воспитанию и тренингу лошадей Для широкого круга читателей Автор Татьяна Ливанова.  Издательство: Олма-Пресс, 2004 г Суперобложка, 256 стр ISBN 5-224-02626-1 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 70x100/8 (~245х340 мм).

Показаны 57-112 <Первая|Предыдущая|Следующая>