Web Services - ICWS-Europe 2003 : International Conference ICWS-Europe 2003, Erfurt, Germany, September 23-24, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) артикул 12713d.
Web Services - ICWS-Europe 2003 : International Conference ICWS-Europe 2003, Erfurt, Germany, September 23-24, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) артикул 12713d.

Book DescriptionThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Web Services, ICWS-Europe 2003, held in Erfurt, Germany, in September 2003 The 16 revised full papers included in the book were carefully reviewed and selected for presentation The papers are organized in topical sections on constructing and озмля running service-oriented architectures, Web service security, configuration and communication, confluence with agent technology and semantic Web enabled Web services, and current and future issues.  2003 г 227 стр ISBN 3540201254.

Developing an Infrastructure for Mobile and Wireless Systems : NSF Workshop IMWS 2001, Scottsdale, AZ, October 15, 2001, Revised Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) артикул 12715d.
Developing an Infrastructure for Mobile and Wireless Systems : NSF Workshop IMWS 2001, Scottsdale, AZ, October 15, 2001, Revised Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) артикул 12715d.

Book DescriptionThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of an International NSF Workshop on an Infrastructure for Mobile and Wireless Systems held in Scottsdale, Arizona in October 2001 The 11 revised full papers presented together with 4 invited contributions and a comprehensive consensus report for developing озммв an infrastructure for mobile and wireless systems were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvement The book assesses the state of the art in the areaand provides a research agenda for future R&D work.  2003 г 193 стр ISBN 3540002898.

Неотложная терапия острых отравлений и эндотоксикозов Справочник артикул 12717d.
Неотложная терапия острых отравлений и эндотоксикозов Справочник артикул 12717d.

В справочнике дана характеристика современных бытовых и промышленных химических веществ, в том числе зарубежного производства, наиболее известных в России Впервые широко озммй представлены медицинские технологии всех методов детоксикации, применяемых для лечения отравлений и связанных с ними эндотоксикозов, а также особенности этой патологии в возрастном аспекте Для токсикологов, реаниматологов, врачей служб скорой помощи Под редакцией Е А Лужникова Авторы (показать всех авторов) В Казачков Евгений Лужников Сергей Мусселиус.  Издательство: Медицина Твердый переплет, 304 стр ISBN 5-225-04177-9 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Agent Technology from a Formal Perspective (NASA Monographs in Systems and Software Engineering) артикул 12719d.
Agent Technology from a Formal Perspective (NASA Monographs in Systems and Software Engineering) артикул 12719d.

Book DescriptionThe field of agent & multi-agent systems is experiencing tremendous growth whilst that of formal methods has also blossomed The FAABS (Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems) workshops, merging the concerns of the two fields, were thustimely This book has arisen from the overwhelming response to FAABS ’00, ’02 & ’04 озммо and all chapters are updated or represent new research, & are designed to provide a more in-depth treatment of the topic Examples of how others have applied formal methods to agent-based systems are included, plus formal method tools & techniques that readers can apply to their own systems Agent Technology from a Formal Perspective provides an in-depth view of the key issues related to agent technology from a formal perspective As this is a relatively new interdisciplinary field, there is enormous room for further growth and this book not only creates an initial foundation, but points to the gaps; indicating open problems to be addressed by future researchers, students & practitioners.  2005 г 360 стр ISBN 1852339470.

Programming Constraint Services: High-Level Programming of Standard and New Constraint Services (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) артикул 12721d.
Programming Constraint Services: High-Level Programming of Standard and New Constraint Services (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) артикул 12721d.

This book is concerned with the architecture and implementation of constraint engines The author's main contribution is that constraint services, such as search and combinators, are made programmable; this is achieved by devising computation spaces as simple abstractions for programming constraint services at a high level State-of-the-art озммц and novel search strategies such as visual interactive search and parallel search are covered This book is indispensable reading for anyone seriously interested in constraint technology.  ISBN 3540433716.

Гашишная наркомания артикул 12723d.
Гашишная наркомания артикул 12723d.

Книга посвящена одному из самых распространенных видов наркоманий в мире - гашишной Приводятся данные собственных клинических исследований Выделены и описаны особенности озммщ формирования, клинического течения, развития и исхода следующих вариантов гашишной наркомании: стимулирующего, классического, эйфоризирующего и псевдоэпизодического Рассмотрены и описаны дифференциально-диагностические критерии данных вариантов гашишной наркомании Идентифицируются этиопатогенетические механизмы гашишной зависимости на уровне индивидуального потребителя индийской конопли Высказывается предположение о существовании в индийской конопле неизвестного пока химического соединения, вызывающего появление перекрестной зависимости и обусловливающего особое, отличное от других видов, течение гашишной наркомании Проанализированы особенности формирования и развития хронического алкоголизма у больных гашишной наркоманией Показано, что патологическое влечение к алкоголю у гашишеманов обусловлено в первую очередь дискомфортными явлениями, возникающими вследствие употребления гашиша, или дисфорическими, аффективными и ипохондрическими нарушениями Описаны и проанализированы особенности алкогольного абстинентного синдрома у гашишеманов Книга предназначена для психиатров, наркологов, научных работников, а также для людей, интересующихся проблемами наркологии Авторы М Чухрова О Рыбалко.  Серия: Библиотека психиатра-нарколога.

ВИЧ-инфекция в наркологической практике артикул 12725d.
ВИЧ-инфекция в наркологической практике артикул 12725d.

Предлагаемое пособие призвано помочь врачам-наркологам и другим заинтересованным специалистам составить полное представление о широком круге медицинских, этических озмнд и других проблем, возникающих в связи с распространением ВИЧ-инфекции среди потребителей психоактивных веществ Авторы Т Должанская Т Бузина.  Серия: Библиотека психиатра-нарколога.

From Brows to Trust : Evaluating Embodied Conversational Agents (Human-Computer Interaction Series) артикул 12727d.
From Brows to Trust : Evaluating Embodied Conversational Agents (Human-Computer Interaction Series) артикул 12727d.

Book Description Embodied conversational agents (ECAs) are autonomous software entities with human-like appearance and communication skills These agents can take on a number of different roles, for example, as an assistant, tutor, information provider, or customer service agent They may also simply represent or entertain a user The precise озмнп nature and benefits of different characteristics of ECAs requires careful investigation Questions range from the function of an eyebrow raise to mechanisms for assessing and improving ECA trustworthiness This book will help experts and designers in the specification and development of applications incorporating ECAs Part 1 provides guidelines for evaluation methodologies and the identification of design and evaluation parameters Part 2 demonstrates the importance of considering the user's perspective and interaction experience Part 3 addresses issues in fine-tuning design parameters of ECAs and verifying the perceived effect Finally, in Part 4 lessons learned from a number of application case studies are presented The book is intended for both ECA researchers in academia and industry, and developers and designers interested in applying the technology.  2005 г 352 стр ISBN 140202729X.

Andre Previn Rachmaninov Symphonies Nos 1-3 etc (3 CD) артикул 12729d.
Andre Previn Rachmaninov Symphonies Nos 1-3 etc (3 CD) артикул 12729d.

Автор музыки: Сергей Рахманинов Ремастированное издание, содержит буклет с дополнительной информацией на английском, французском и немецком языках Содержание CD1: Andre Previn озмну Rachmaninov Symphonies 1 Symphony No l In D Minor, Op 13: Grave 2 Symphony No l In D Minor, Op 13: Allegro Animato 3 Symphony No l In D Minor, Op 13: Larghetto 4 Symphony No l In D Minor, Op 13: Allegro Con Fuoco 5 The Isle Of The Dead, Op 29 CD2: Andre Previn Rachmaninov Symphonies 1 Symphony No 2 In E Minor, Op 27: Largo - Allegro Moderato 2 Symphony No 2 In E Minor, Op 27: Scherzo (Allegro Molto) 3 Symphony No 2 In E Minor, Op 27: Adagio 4 Symphony No 2 In E Minor, Op 27: Finale (Allegro Vivace) 5 Vocalise, Op 34 No 14 6 Aleko: Intermezzo 7 Women's Dance CD3: Andre Previn Rachmaninov Symphonies 1 Symphony No 3 In A Minor, Op 44: Lento - Allegro Moderato - Allegro 2 Symphony No 3 In A Minor, Op 44: Adagio Ma Non Troppo - Allegro Vivace 3 Symphony No 3 In A Minor, Op 44: Allegro - Allegro Vivace 4 Symphonic Dances, Op 45: Non Allegro 5 Symphonic Dances, Op 45: Andante Con Moto (Tempo Di Valse) 6 Symphonic Dances, Op 45: Lento Assai - Allegro Vivace Исполнители Андрэ Превен Andre Previn The London Symphony Orchestra.  Формат: Audio CD (Box Set) Дистрибьюторы: EMI Classics, Gala Records Европейский Союз Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 1993 г Авторский сборник: Импортное издание.

Symphonien Nr 1-3 u a.
Applications of Software Agent Technology in the Health Care Domain (Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies) артикул 12731d.
Applications of Software Agent Technology in the Health Care Domain (Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies) артикул 12731d.

Book DescriptionThis volume contains a collection of papers that provides a unique, novel and up-to-date overview of how software agents technology is being applied in very diverse problems in health care, ranging from community care to management of organ transplants It also provides an introductory survey that highlights the main issues озмнъ to be taken into account when deploying agents in the health care area.  2004 г 212 стр ISBN 376432662X.

E-Commerce and Web Technologies : 5th International Conference, EC-Web 2004, Zaragoza, Spain, August 31-September 3, 2004, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) артикул 12733d.
E-Commerce and Web Technologies : 5th International Conference, EC-Web 2004, Zaragoza, Spain, August 31-September 3, 2004, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) артикул 12733d.

Book DescriptionThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies, EC-Web 2004, held in Zaragossa, Spain in August/September 2004 The 36 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 103 submissions The papers are organized in topical озмом sections on recommender systems, databases and EC applications, service-oriented e-commerce applications, electronic negotiation systems, security and trust in e-commerce techniques for b2b e-commerce, negotiation strategies and protocols, modeling of e-commerce applications, e-commerce intelligence, e-retailing and Website design, and digital rights management and EC strategies.  2004 г 370 стр ISBN 3540229175.

LEGO Spybotics Secret Agent Training Manual артикул 12735d.
LEGO Spybotics Secret Agent Training Manual артикул 12735d.

LEGO Spybotics Secret Agent Training Manual provides complete coverage of the ultimate LEGO Spybotics system Author Ralph Hempel begins with a Spybotics overview and then delves into the nitty-gritty of Spybotics, including systems training, construction and care, agent communications, mission selection, and even advanced topics, such озмос as how to customize your missions LEGO Spybotics Secret Agent Training Manual is designed to help secret agents get the most out of their LEGO Spybot Agents will benefit from Hempel's detailed mission summaries, tips on deciphering common problems, and instructions on how to program the Spybot to run top-secret missions by itself Hempel puts all of the mission-critical information right at your fingertips Enjoy it even when you're not running covert missions with your Spybot! Are you ready?.  ISBN 1590590910.

Лекарственное лечение рака желудка и колоректального рака артикул 12737d.
Лекарственное лечение рака желудка и колоректального рака артикул 12737d.

Книга, подготовленная ведущими сотрудниками РОНЦ имени Н Н Блохина РАМН, посвящена современному состоянию лекарственной терапии рака желудка и толстой кишки В ней представлены озмоф сведения по механизму действия, эффективности и токсичности наиболее активных противоопухолевых препаратов, включая новые цитостатики и таргетные препараты, дана характеристика современных комбинированных режимов лекарственной терапии На основании анализа результатов крупных международных исследований даны практические рекомендации по выбору оптимальной тактики лечения, изложены современные подходы к адьювантной химиотерапии и радиочастотной термоабляции Подробно рассмотрены препараты таргетной терапии, определено их место в первой и второй линиях лечения колоректального рака Освещены перспективы дальнейшего развития лекарственной терапии в целях улучшения лечения рака желудка и рака толстой кишки Книга предназначена для онкологов, проктологов, а также врачей других специальностей, занимающихся лечением злокачественных опухолей Авторы (показать всех авторов) Вера Горбунова Наталья Бесова Валерий Бредер.  Серия: Опыт клинической практики.

Справочник практического врача по психиатрии, наркологии и сексопатологии артикул 12739d.
Справочник практического врача по психиатрии, наркологии и сексопатологии артикул 12739d.

В справочнике приводится описание основных видов психической патологии по шифрам последней (десятой) Международной классификации болезней (МКБ-10), которая терминологически озмоц значительно отличается от привычной нозологической классификации В каждом разделе справочника и в предметном указателе курсивом упомянуты прежние названия болезней: например, `растройство личности (психопатия)` Приведена переходная таблица, позволяющая сориентироваться и при необходимости найти нужное расстройство по старому термину или шифру В качестве иллюстраций даны примеры из жизни великих людей, которые более ярко, чем традиционные `выписки из болезней` анонимных больных, дополняют приведенную клиническую картину Изложение материала и терапевтические рекомендации рассчитаны на практических врачей, работающих в условиях участковых больниц, в различных отделениях районных, городских поликлиник и стационаров неспециализированных лечебных учреждений, станциях `Скорой помощи` Автор Александр Шувалов.  Серия: Справочник практического врача.

Recent Trends in Valuation : From Strategy to Value артикул 12741d.
Recent Trends in Valuation : From Strategy to Value артикул 12741d.

An optimal financial policy requires a strategy of value creation This is translated into value-based management in a strategic decision-making and management model that focuses on maximising company value, and which therefore is essential for every company Recent Trends in Valuation provides both a clear and understandable analysis of the озмоэ various valuation techniques and their recent refinements, and the use of option theory in valuation The practical applications of the various methods are discussed and placed within a strategic and integrated framework Recent Trends in Valuation outlines the advantages and disadvantages of various valuation techniques; contains contributions from leading experts in the fields of valuation and real options; includes an extensive lecture by Tom Copeland on 'real options'; follows past, current and potential future valuation techniques, and discusses current trends in this area in the light of an ever-increasing desire to assess and manage risk and uncertainty.  ISBN 0470850299.

New Century Healthcare: Strategies for Providers, Purchasers, and Plans (Management Series) артикул 12743d.
New Century Healthcare: Strategies for Providers, Purchasers, and Plans (Management Series) артикул 12743d.

This new book picks up where Russ Coile's popular book Five Stages of Managed Care left off Gain insight into what healthcare delivery will be like as it moves beyond managed care Coile forecasts the trends for everything from health plans to provider organizations to purchasers, as well as examines such timely topics as complementary medicine, озмпж consumer choice, physician practice management, and capitation Each chapter ends with suggested strategies for success This book is ideal for executives looking to plan for the future The healthcare environment is entering a new phase--Stage 6--in which cooperation will occur as often as competition between plans and providers Managed care must now evolve a new set of cost-control processes that willrefocus on the consumer as the last frontier of cost management --Russ Coile, from the Preface.  ISBN 1567931235.

Дифференциальный диагноз при абдоминальном ультразвуковом исследовании артикул 12745d.
Дифференциальный диагноз при абдоминальном ультразвуковом исследовании артикул 12745d.

Переводчики: Сергей Капустин В Костюченко А Шур Сергей Пиманов В справочнике известных английских специалистов, впервые переведенном на русский язык, удачно сочетаются озмпх краткость изложения ультразвуковой диагностики с глубиной раскрытия эхографической симптоматики и детальностью описания редко встречающейся патологии Таблицы для дифференциальной диагностики дают возможность быстро ориентироваться в многочисленных симптомах Для врачей, клинических ординаторов, врачей-интернов, студентов Авторы Р А Л Биссет R A L Bisset А Н Хан A N Khan.  Издательство: Медицинская литература, 2003 г Твердый переплет, 254 стр ISBN 5-89677-013-8, 0-7020-1483-4 Тираж: 2000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Differential Diagnosis in Abdominal Ultrasound.
The Book of Visual Studio NET артикул 12747d.
The Book of Visual Studio NET артикул 12747d.

Comprehensive guide to developing Internet applications with Visual Studio NET The Book of Visual Studio NET surveys each NET server and related technologies, with a focus on Visual Studio 7 (VS7) Hands-on examples cover building forms, data retrieval, moving to COM+, and implementing web services Other key issues and solutions include upgrading озмпю from Visual Basic, source control services, and remoting.  ISBN 1886411697.

The Strategy Concept and Process: A Pragmatic Approach (2nd Edition) артикул 12749d.
The Strategy Concept and Process: A Pragmatic Approach (2nd Edition) артикул 12749d.

Hax and Mailuf offer a pragmatic approach to strategic management, offering practicing managers and business readers a disciplined process that facilitates the formulation and implementation of strategy Most comprehensive, integrated, explicit approach to strategy formulation; Proctor & Gamble used as a running case throughout the озмри text Other real world examples include NKK and Merck; global perspective, companies are drawn from all over the world.  ISBN 0134588940.

Database and Expert Systems Applications : 14th International Conference, DEXA 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1-5, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) артикул 12751d.
Database and Expert Systems Applications : 14th International Conference, DEXA 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1-5, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) артикул 12751d.

Book DescriptionThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applcations, DEXA 2003, held in Prague, Czech Republic, in September 2003 The 91 revised full papers presented together with an invited paper and a position paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 236 озмрн submissions The papers are organized in topical sections on XML, data modeling, spatial database systems, mobile computing, transactions, bioinformatics, information retrieval, multimedia databases, Web applications, ontologies, object-oriented databases, query optimization, workflow systems, knowledge engineering, and security.  2003 г 945 стр ISBN 3540408061.

Лучевая диагностика заболеваний органов грудной полости артикул 12753d.
Лучевая диагностика заболеваний органов грудной полости артикул 12753d.

Практическое руководство профессора П В Власова посвящено современному состоянию лучевой диагностики заболеваний органов грудной полости Лучевые методы исследования озмрс играют ведущую роль в диагностике заболеваний органов дыхания и средостения, занимающих в клинической практике более 50% всех патологических случаев, с которыми приходится сталкиваться рентгенологам и клиницистам Данное руководство является первой в отечественной литературе крупной работой, в которой получила всестороннее освещение диагностика наиболее частых и сравнительно редких заболеваний органов грудной полости Специальные главы посвящены диагностике острых пневмоний и плеврита, хронических неспецифических заболеваний легких, туберкулеза органов дыхания, рака легкого, опухолей плевры, диффузных и диссеминированных процессов легких, опухолей и кист средостения Все вопросы рассматриваются с учетом самых современных взглядов на патогенез и диагностику заболеваний Большим достоинством руководства «Лучевая диагностика заболеваний органов грудной полости» является комплексный подход к диагностике заболеваний Наряду с традиционными методами ретгенологического исследования, такими как рентгенография и линейная томография, достаточно полно освещены роль и место в современном комплексе диагностических средств компьютерной томографии и ультрасонографии, значительно расширивших возможности диагностики заболеваний Руководство представляет интерес для рентгенологов, терапевтов, хирургов и врачей других специальностей, занимающихся диагностикой и лечением болезней органов дыхания и средостения Автор Павел Власов.  Серия: Классическая рентгенология.

Tech Trending: A Visionary Guide to controlling your Technology Future артикул 12755d.
Tech Trending: A Visionary Guide to controlling your Technology Future артикул 12755d.

In a Business World Driven by Technology Dont Let you and Your Business Get Left Behind "This is a must read for todays managers and technologists It provides an understandable connection of the Internet, telecommunications, and computing technologies with the real world of business " Gerald Peterson, Member Board of Governors озмру IEEE-SA, Past Chairman Standards Committee T1, Senior Manager Lucent Technologies - Bell Labs "In Tech Trending, Amy Zuckerman provides practical guidance to both those influencing technology and those still trying to cope with technologys rapid rate of change and tremendous impact on global businesses Most importantly, she stresses the need to manage change and how to respond to the very real needs of people who need help in adapting to new technology Tech Trending is simply a must-read for any business manager " Kevin R Fitzgerald, Editor-in-Chief/Associate Publisher, Supply Strategy "An extremely well written, easily understandable introduction to the future If you dont know where to start, start here " Steve Oksala, Vice President of Standards for the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers and former Director, Standards and Regulatory Compliance, for the Unisys Corporation "For the business professional, the rapid changes in information technology can be hard to manage and even harder to predict Tech Trending provides the necessary tools, skills and knowledge to help the reader easily master the tech hurdles of the next decade From wireless and B2B, to transportation and logistics, its all right here for the novice and seasoned IT pro Amy Zuckerman is truly a leading business technology guru of the 21st century " Rikki Lee, Consultant, Wirelesslee "As a tech trending laggard, I found Amy Zuckermans book an intelligent, refreshing, efficient and most of all, understandable, examination of things I need to know to navigate the future I know I need to keep up with technological innovation and this is one book I expect to return to frequently to remind myself how to reap technologys benefits " Mary Case, Director, Quality Management to a Higher Power.  ISBN 1841121371.

Business Continuity Planning: Protecting Your Organization's Life артикул 12757d.
Business Continuity Planning: Protecting Your Organization's Life артикул 12757d.

From fires, floods, and power outages to hackers and software problems, companies need to protect against a variety of threats Business Continuity Planning takes a best practices approach to provide a comprehensive continuity solution It details how tobuild a plan to handle disruptions in business, keep vital operations up and running, and озмрц prevent losses that occur when productivity is crippled or security is compromised The book explains how to evaluate a current plan for completeness and how to monitor and maintain it to ensure it remains up-to-date.  ISBN 0849309077.

Диагностика и лечение кровотечений из верхних отделов пищеварительного тракта с использованием эндоскопических вмешательств Методические рекомендации № 2001/114 артикул 12759d.
Диагностика и лечение кровотечений из верхних отделов пищеварительного тракта с использованием эндоскопических вмешательств Методические рекомендации № 2001/114 артикул 12759d.

Методические рекомендации представляют собой систематизированное изложение тактических и методических подходов к диагностике, неоперативной остановке, профилактике озмры и прогнозированию острых желудочно-кишечных кровотечений В них освещено значение методов эндоскопического гемостаза в системе хирургического лечения больных с кровотечениями из верхних отделов пищеварительного тракта, методика подготовки больных к эндоскопическому вмешательству, техника его выполнения Разобраны особенности выполнения лечебныхэндоскопических вмешательств, в зависимости от характеристики источника кровотечения; приведены сведения об основных способах эндоскопического гемостаза - термических, инъекционных и механических, в том числе о таких перспективных методах, как эндоклипирование и аргоно-плазменная коагуляция Особое место уделено описанию нового, разработанного в клинике метода контроля эффективности эндоскопического гемостаза и прогнозирования риска рецидива желудочно-кишечного кровотечения, основанного на использованииэндоскопической ультрасонографии Методические рекомендации предназначены для врачей-гастроэнтерологов: хирургов, эндоскопистов, терапевтов и научных работников в области клинической гастроэнтерологии Авторы (показать всех авторов) Е Федоров А Михалев С Орлов.  Издательство: Бизнес-школа `Интел-Синтез` Мягкая обложка, 48 стр ISBN 5-87057-298-3 Формат: 84x104/32 (~220x240 мм).

Information Modeling: The Express Way артикул 12761d.
Information Modeling: The Express Way артикул 12761d.

Information modeling technology--the open representation of information for database and other computing applications--has grown significantly in recent years as the need for universal systems of information coding has steadily increased EXPRESS is a particularly successful ISO International Standard language family for object-flavored озмсг information modeling This cogent introduction to EXPRESS provides numerous, detailed examples of the language family's applicability to a diverse range of endeavors, including mechanical engineering, petroleum exploration, stock exchange asset management, and the human genome project The book also examines the history, practicalities, and implications of information modeling in general, and considers the vagaries of normal language that necessitate precise communication methods This first-ever guide to information modeling and EXPRESS offers invaluable advice based on years of practical experience It will be the introduction that students as well as information and data modeling professionals have been waiting for.  ISBN 0195087143.

The Object Data Standard: ODMG 3 0 артикул 12763d.
The Object Data Standard: ODMG 3 0 артикул 12763d.

This isn't a book about the Object Data Standard; it's the complete, fully authoritative version of the standard itself, presented by the researchers who developed it This book provides all the details comprising ODMG 3 0, making the latestversion of the specification the most mature and most flexible yet When it comes to storing objects in databases, озмск ODMG 3 0 is a standard with which you need to be familiar-whether you design, develop, or implement object database products, object-to-relational database mapping products, or applications based on these products * Presents authoritative, completely up-to-date information not available anywhere else * Documents all the changes found in version 3 0, including enhancements to the Java language binding, greater semantic precision, and various improvements and corrections throughout the standard * Pays special attention to the broadening of the standard to support recent developments in object-to-database mappings (ODMs) that allow objects to be stored in relational databases * Provides a way to write Java, C++, or Smalltalk code that works with the entire spectrum of database products, while taking full advantage of your organization's preferred platform * Continues to cover everything retained from version 2 0, including key details relating to C++, Smalltalk, and Object Query Language * Establishes a level of stability for this increasingly important specification.  ISBN 1558606475.

Foundations of AOP for J2EE Development (Foundation) артикул 12765d.
Foundations of AOP for J2EE Development (Foundation) артикул 12765d.

Book Description Foundations of AOP for J2EE Development covers a relatively new programming paradigm: aspect-oriented programming, or AOP Presented are the core concepts of AOP: AspectJ 5, JBoss AOP, Spring AOP, and JAC Specific features of these tools are compared The book also explores the potential uses of AOP in everyday programming life, озмср such as design patterns implementation, program testing, and application management In the latter part of the book, the authors show how AOPcan ease the task of J2EE application development (J2EE is known for being a rich and somewhat complicated framework ).  2005 г 352 стр ISBN 1590595076.

Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design артикул 12767d.
Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design артикул 12767d.

This book approaches system analysis and design with an object-oriented perspective, faithful to UML and others currently in use in many organizations The SDC is central in the development of an information system; the book shows how each step of the SDC builds on itself It provides readers with a strong systematic framework, linking one chapter озмсу to the next; this approach enables readers to easily learn object-oriented system analysis and design All terminology and diagrams are UML compliant A running case (The Pine Valley Furniture Webstore) is used throughout the book as an example Readers can develop, propose, implement, and maintain a Webstore, learning through doing The end-of-chapter case, Broadway Entertainment Company Inc , shows readers how a fictional video and record retailer develops an object-oriented application Coverage includes: foundations for object-oriented systems development; project planning and management; systems analysis; systems design; and systems implementation and operation An excellent how-to guide for systems analysts and designers.  ISBN 0131133268.

Секреты гематологии и онкологии артикул 12714d.
Секреты гематологии и онкологии артикул 12714d.

В книге изложены вопросы гематологии и онкологии Рассмотрена клиническая патофизиология и фармакотерапия заболеваний, освещены новые прогрессивные технологии диагностики озммб (молекулярно - биологические методы, компьютерная томография, ядерно - магнитный резонанс и многие другие) и лечения (химиотерапия, трансплантация стволовых клеток костного мозга, сопроводительная терапия) Представленная в книге библиография помогает читателям углубить свои познания по интересующим вопросам Для студентов - медиков, врачей различных специальностей, в первую очередь гематологов и онкологов Книга подготовлена при участии издательства `Невский Диалект` Содержание Предисловие редакторов перевода Предисловие c 5-5 Секреты гематологии и онкологии (переводчики: Ю Токарев, Архипова Ж И , Байдун Л В , Быкова Л П , Логинов А В , Луцкий М И , Ремизов М В , Урмаева М М ) c 7-510 Предметный указатель Справочные Материалы c 511-557 Авторы (показать всех авторов) Ю Токарев (автор, переводчик) А Бухны Мари Э Вуд Marie E Wood.  Серия: Секреты медицины.

Distributed Sensor Networks : A Multiagent Perspective (Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Organizations) артикул 12716d.
Distributed Sensor Networks : A Multiagent Perspective (Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Organizations) артикул 12716d.

Book DescriptionAs computer networks (and computational grids) become increasingly complex, the problem of allocating resources within such networks, in a distributed fashion, will become more and more of a design and implementation concern This is especially true where the allocation involves distributed collections of resources rather озммг than just a single resource, where there are alternative patterns of resources with different levels of utility that can satisfy the desired allocation, and where this allocation process must be done in soft real-time Distributed Sensor Networks is the first book of its kind to examine solutions to this problem using ideas taken from the field of multiagent systems The field of multiagent systems has itself seen an exponential growth in the past decade, and has developed a variety of techniques for distributed resource allocation Distributed Sensor Networks contains contributions from leading, international researchers describing a variety of approaches to this problem based on examples of implemented systems taken from a common distributed sensor network application; each approach is motivated, demonstrated and tested by way of a common challenge problem The book focuses on both practical systems and their theoretical analysis, and is divided into three parts: the first part describes the common sensor network challenge problem; the second part explains the different technical approaches to the common challenge problem; and the third part provides results on the formal analysis of a number of approaches taken to address the challenge problem.  2003 г 386 стр ISBN 1402074999.

Digital Rights Management: Business and Technology артикул 12718d.
Digital Rights Management: Business and Technology артикул 12718d.

Digital rights management (DRM) is a set of business models and technologies that allows media companies to protect their intellectual property -- and profit in the online world Cowritten by DRM pioneer William Rosenblatt, this lucid primer outlines thestate of DRM today for media executives and IT decision-makers, covering business models озммк (such as subscriptions), core technologies (watermarking, encryption, authentication), standards (such as XrML), vendors, and more.  Издательство: M&T Books ISBN 0764548891.

Физиогемотерапия острых отравлений артикул 12720d.
Физиогемотерапия острых отравлений артикул 12720d.

В книге обобщен многолетний опыт использования при острых отравлениях химической этиологии методов физиогемотерапии, связанных с воздействием на кровь магнитных полей, озмму ультрафиолетового и лазерного излучения Раскрыты лечебные механизмы указанных методов, продемонстрированы преимущества их сочетанного применения и комбинации с другими детоксикационными технологиями, что позволяет значительно ускорить очищение организма от токсичных веществ экзо- и эндогенного происхождения, а также существенно улучшить результаты лечения критических состояний Представленный материал предназначен для токсикологов, специалистов в области реаниматологии, интенсивной терапии и детоксикации организма Авторы Евгений Лужников Юрий Гольдфарб.  Издательство: Медпрактика-М, 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 200 стр ISBN 5-901654-17-X Тираж: 1000 экз Формат: 60x88/16 (~150x210 мм).

Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications : 5th International Workshop, MATA 2003, Marakech, Morocco, October 8-10, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) артикул 12722d.
Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications : 5th International Workshop, MATA 2003, Marakech, Morocco, October 8-10, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) артикул 12722d.

Book DescriptionThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunications Applications, MATA 2003, held in Marrakech, Morocco in October 2003 The 27 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book The papers are organized in topical озммш sections on network and service management and QoS provisioning, service management and service provisioning, context-aware applications, mobile networks and applications, agent platforms, mobility, and security.  2003 г 297 стр ISBN 3540202986.

Accelerated C# 2010 артикул 12724d.
Accelerated C# 2010 артикул 12724d.

C# 2010 offers powerful new features, and this book is the fastest path to mastering them—and the rest of C#—for both experienced C# programmers moving to C# 2010 and programmers moving to C# from another object-oriented language Many books introduce C#, but very few also explain how to use it optimally with the NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) озммю This book teaches both core C# language concepts and how to wisely employ C# idioms and object-oriented design patterns to exploit the power of C# and the CLR This book is both a rapid tutorial and a permanent reference You'll quickly master C# syntax while learning how the CLR simplifies many programming tasks You’ll also learn best practices that ensure your code will be efficient, reusable, and robust Why spend months or years discovering the best ways to design and code C# when this book will show you how to do things the right way from the start? 1 edition Автор Трей Нэш Trey Nash.  Издательство: Apress, 2010 г Мягкая обложка, 450 стр ISBN 1430225379 Язык: Английский.

Logics for Emerging Applications of Databases артикул 12726d.
Logics for Emerging Applications of Databases артикул 12726d.

Book DescriptionIn this era of heterogeneous and distributed data sources, ranging from semistructured documents to knowledge about coordination processes or workflows, logic provides a rich set of tools and techniques with which to address the questionsof how to represent, query and reason about complex data This book provides a state-of-the-art озмни overview of research on the application of logic-based methods to information systems, covering highly topical and emerging fields: XML programming and querying, intelligent agents, workflow modeling and verification, data integration, temporal and dynamic information, data mining, authorization, and security It provides both scientists and graduate students with a wealth of material and references for their own research and education.  2003 г 368 стр ISBN 3540007059.

Частичные съемные протезы артикул 12728d.
Частичные съемные протезы артикул 12728d.

Редактор: Владимир Трезубов Переводчик: Ольга Сапронова В настоящем руководстве, входящем в популярную серию "Квинтэссенция зубоврачебной практики", рассматриваются озмнр в первую очередь практические вопросы частичного съемного зубного протезирования (показания, основные принципы конструирования частичных съемных зубных протезов, клинические методики и материалы, используемые при их изготовлении, и др ) Многолетний опыт автора, на основе которого им предлагаются решения конкретных клинических задач, возникающих в повседневной практике, большое количество высококачественных иллюстраций делают настоящее издание востребованным как для состоявшихся специалистов-стоматологов, так и для тех, кто стремится повысить свою квалификацию в этой области Для врачей-стоматологов, студентов медицинских стоматологических факультетов и вузов Автор Николас Дж А Джепсон Nicholas J A Jepson.  Серия: Квинтэссенция зубоврачебной практики.

Removable Partial Dentures.
Первая медицинская помощь Популярный справочник артикул 12730d.
Первая медицинская помощь Популярный справочник артикул 12730d.

Редактор: Юрий Елисеев Все авторы Современный справочник, содержащий все самые необходимые сведения по неотложной клинической медицине Подробно изложены общие принципы озмнх оказания первой медицинской помощи Исчерпывающе описаны основные практические навыки, применяемые при неотложных терапевтических, хирургических и травматологических состояниях, а также при экстренных состояниях в педиатрии, урологии, отоларингологии, неврологии, психиатрии и офтальмологии Наглядно представлены приемы сердечно-легочной реанимации Освещены организационные положения, касающиеся службы скорой медицинской помощи Справочник предназначен не только для медиков, но и для неспециалистов, которым потребуется оказать кому-то экстренную помощь Авторы (показать всех авторов) О Демидко Владимир Доронин М Телешев.  Издательство: Эксмо, 2003 г Твердый переплет, 480 стр ISBN 5-699-01611-2 Тираж: 5100 экз Формат: 70x108/32 (~130х165 мм).

Multi-Agent-Based Simulation III : 4th International Workshop, MABS 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 14th, 2003, Revised Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) артикул 12732d.
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation III : 4th International Workshop, MABS 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 14th, 2003, Revised Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) артикул 12732d.

Book DescriptionThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation, MABS 2003, held in Melbourne, Australia as part of AAMAS 2003 The 11 revised full papers presented togetherwith 3 invited papers were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvement озмои The papers are organized in topical sections on MABS techniques for MAS; economics, exchange, and influence in virtual worlds; MABS techniques for real-world modelling, and understanding and classifying MABS.  2004 г 209 стр ISBN 3540207368.

Understanding Business Strategies : Concepts (with InfoTrac) артикул 12734d.
Understanding Business Strategies : Concepts (with InfoTrac) артикул 12734d.

Book Description UNDERSTANDING BUSINESS STRATEGY encourages a hands-on approach to learning with applications and features such as: experiential exercises, BizFlix video clips, and brief end of chapter cases Further, features such as the Strategy Tool Box and Your Career provide practical tools as students embark on their own careers After озмор reading Understanding Business Strategy, students will not only have an understanding of modern strategic management; they will also grasp the application of these tools in their own careers.  2005 г ISBN 0324317735.

Software Agents артикул 12736d.
Software Agents артикул 12736d.

Future software will not merely respond to requests for information, but will anticipate the user's needs and actively seek ways to support the user These systems will also manage cooperation among distributed programs To describe the many roles of such software, researchers use the term agent The essays in Software Agents, by leading researchers озмоу and developers of agent-based systems, address both the state-of-the-art of agent technology and its likely evolution in the near future The introductory chapters in Part I present the views of proponents and a critic of software agents The chapters in Part II describe how agents are used to enhance learning and provide intelligent assistance to users in situations where traditional direct manipulation interfaces alone are insufficient The chapters of Part III discuss agent-to-agent communication and the use of agents to provide intelligent interoperability in distributed systems and the Internet Contributors: José-Luis Ambite, Ball, P Benoit, Guy A Boy, Jeffrey M Bradshaw, Philip Cohen, Allen Cypher, S Dutfield, Thomas Erickson, Tim Finin, Michael R Genesereth, Kenneth R Grant, Craig A Knoblock, Kurlander, Yannis Labrou, Kum-Yew Lai, Brenda Laurel, Hector J Levesque, Ling, Pattie Maes, Thomas W Malone, James Mayfield, Miller, Nicholas Negroponte, Donald A Norman, Pugh, Doug Riecken, Ben Shneiderman, Yoav Shoham, Skelly, David C Smith, Jim Spohrer, Stankosky, Thiel, Van Dantzich, Wax, James E White, J Woolley Distributed for AAAI Press.  ISBN 0262522349.

Deena Katz's Tools and Templates for Your Practice: For Financial Advisors, Planners, and Wealth Managers артикул 12738d.
Deena Katz's Tools and Templates for Your Practice: For Financial Advisors, Planners, and Wealth Managers артикул 12738d.

This nuts-and-bolts book expands on the time-saving approaches of the author's acclaimed book, Deena Katz on Practice Management, by providing-and explaining how to use-the actual checksheets, forms, presentations, and procedures developed and refined byEvensky Brown & Katz and other top wealth managers and planners Deena Katz brings озмох together, as no one else could, the collective knowledge and labor-saving systems that leading advisers use to make their practices cost-efficient, client-friendly, and competitive It is packed full of charts, form letters, concise tips, processes, and ideas from experienced practitioners around the world-approaches that you can put to use today Whether you have an established practice or are launching one, hereare tips and resources you won't find anywhere else: * Everything a well-run planning practice needs to survive, thrive, and manage growth * Tools for keeping top clients over the long haul * Documents that streamline compliance and practice-management tasks * Components for a public relations and marketing plan, with form letters and a system for building credibility with the media * Free CD-ROM with user-ready customizable Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files for PC or Mac.  ISBN 157660084X.

The Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to Java артикул 12740d.
The Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to Java артикул 12740d.

Use your understanding of Visual Basic as a foundation for learning Java and object-oriented programming This unique guide not only relates Java features to what you already know it also highlights the areas in which Java excels over Visual Basic, to build your understanding of its appropriate use Covers: -- Java for the C-challenged -- an overview озмоч of Java: an introduction to object-oriented programming; an explanation of Java language syntax; installing and using Java -- Basic object-oriented programming in Java employing classes and inheritance for efficiency; adding visual controls such as buttons, drop-down lists, menus, and scrollbars; using layout managers to place components in windows; writing a program with two windows; using threadsin Java -- Class consciousness and other timesaving topics using classes and binary files in Java; building your own custom controls; using and creating packages; designing efficient menus and dialogs; inputting data with the keyboard and mouse -- Developing for the Web -- building and launching HTML pages; incorporating applets into Web pages; using forms and CGI Scripts in Java; creating instant applets with JavaScript; working with sockets and client server applications; building Java clients and servers across the Internet.  ISBN 1583482172.

The Unified Process Construction Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP артикул 12742d.
The Unified Process Construction Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP артикул 12742d.

Best Practices in Implementing the UP Is the Unified Process the be all and end all standard for developing object-oriented component-based software? This book is the second in a four volume series that presents a critical review of the Unified Process The authors present a survey of the alternate software processes, and synthesize a more robust озмою process that addresses the complete breadth of your real-world development and production needs After elaborating on the UP with a more completesoftware process, each volume presents a masters' collections of today's best practices in implementing the respective phase -- Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition and Production You get the collective wisdom of industry luminaries Contributions by Peter Coad, Martin Fowler, David Linthicum, Mary Loomis, Steve Maguire, Steve McConnell, Clemens Szyperski, and Karl Wiegers, and others, provide perspective on the macro issues like: How large-scale, mission critical softwareis developed and maintained How programming fits into the overall development lifecycle Tips and techniques to enhance your role (and career ) And they address the details of implementing a software process with best practices on such issues as code inspections, configuration management, change control, and architectural modeling of your software organization Fill the gaps between theory and practice with a plan that includes the nuts and bolts During the Construction phase your project team will focus on evolving the technical prototype, that you developed during the Elaboration phase, into the full-fledged system It entails implementing skeletal versions of the system for purposes of testing early in the life cycle for quality control This book presents best practices your team can follow to master the vital elements of this phase, including how to: Achieve and maintain adequate quality as early as possible Develop software models to guide implementation Work with the user community to validate needs fulfillment Implement and test the various system components Develop useful versions of the system as early as practical Baseline the validated components Manage project resource including risks effectively.  ISBN 192962901X.

Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java (2nd Edition) артикул 12744d.
Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java (2nd Edition) артикул 12744d.

B> Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java, Second Edition, provides a practical introduction to data structures and algorithms from the perspective of abstract thinking and problem solving, as well as the use of Java Experienced author and educator Mark Allen Weiss takes a unique approach by clearly separating the specification озмпн and implementation of data structures He presents the interface and running time of data structures in Part II of the book Then, he provides the opportunity for readers to use the data structures in a variety of practical examples before introducing the implementations in Part IV By first gaining a familiarity with the interfaces and uses of data structures, readers will be able to think more abstractly about the subject matter New utilization of the Java 1 2 Collections API frees the second edition from relying upon a non-standard, book-dependent data structures package The new edition also features new coverage of Design Patterns and significantly revised material of inheritance This book is appropriate for readers who are familiar with basic Java programming concepts or are new to the language and want to learn how it treats data structures concepts.  ISBN 0201748355.

Strategy : A Step by Step Approach to the Development and Presentation of World Class Business Strategy артикул 12746d.
Strategy : A Step by Step Approach to the Development and Presentation of World Class Business Strategy артикул 12746d.

Book Description This book provides a step-by-step approach to all of the essential elements of strategy It outlines a 28-step approach, with a 30+ slide strategy presentation By following the examples in the book the reader will be able to construct a world-class strategy and to present it in an effective and thoughtful manner The approach integrates озмпэ diagnosis, design, strategic plan and implementation in one seamless flow of insight and action.  2005 г ISBN 1403942889.

Руководство по электрокардиографии артикул 12748d.
Руководство по электрокардиографии артикул 12748d.

В руководстве изложены современные представления об электрокардиографии и применение ее в клинической медицине Происхождение зубцов в нормальной ЭКГ и ее изменения трактуются озмрж с позиций векторного анализа Представлены изменения ЭКГ при различных заболеваниях: ишемической болезни сердца, кардиопатиях, мио- и перикардитах, эмболии легочной артерии, пороках сердца, гипертонической болезни, патологии почек, легких, эндокринных желез, нарушениях электролитного обмена и др Для врачей кабинетов функциональной диагностики, терапевтов, кардиологов Автор Виктор Орлов.  Букинистическое издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: Медицина, 1984 г 528 стр Тираж: 100000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Intelligent Information Agents : The AgentLink Perspective (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) артикул 12750d.
Intelligent Information Agents : The AgentLink Perspective (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) артикул 12750d.

Book DescriptionThis book presents 10 chapters on various aspects of intelligent information agents contributed by members of the respective AgentLink special interest group The papers are organized in three parts on agent-based information systems, adaptive information agents, and coordination of information agents Also included are озмрл a comprehensive introduction and surveys for each of the three parts.  2003 г 275 стр ISBN 3540007598.

Creative Strategy in Advertising (with InfoTrac) (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication and Journalism) артикул 12752d.
Creative Strategy in Advertising (with InfoTrac) (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication and Journalism) артикул 12752d.

Book Description CREATIVE STRATEGY IN ADVERTISING provides everything students need to be successful as advertising professionals in today's fast-changing media environment Focusing on the idea that good advertising always starts with an understanding of people and an awareness of their needs, the text moves through the creative process озмрп step by step It focuses first on the creative person, and then on strategy and problem solving Complementing expert instruction with extensive examples of layouts and ad copy, this book gives students the necessary tools to create winning advertising.  2004 г 352 стр ISBN 053462510X.

ADO Programmer's Reference артикул 12754d.
ADO Programmer's Reference артикул 12754d.

All programmers working in database technology using Microsoft development tools will find this book useful As a reference, it is suitable for beginners and experienced programmers alike This is a great addition and complement to any other ADO manual, and it's one you'll want to keep on the desk at all times This informative guide provides a complete озмрт reference to the ADO API, covering all versions up to the latest 2 8 Code samples are concise, and emphasis is placed on ADO techniques rather than the specific environments in which it may be used Some of the book's highlights include: Coverage of all versions of ADO Related technologies, such as ADOX and ADOMD Online samples in multiple languages Examination of ADO performance aspects This is the most definitive book on the subject to date, and has been the leading reference on ADO since its first release.  Мягкая обложка ISBN 1590593421.

Оценка состояния здоровья с помощью клинико-лабораторных исследований артикул 12756d.
Оценка состояния здоровья с помощью клинико-лабораторных исследований артикул 12756d.

Пособие содержит наиболее ценные сведения по показателям анализов крови, мочи, желудочного и дуоденального содержимого, мокроты и системы гемостаза Приведены нормальные озмрх значения, характерные для практически здоровых людей, а также причины их отклонений от нормы Пособие рассчитано на медицинских сестер, фельдшеров и практикующих врачей, студентов медицинских вузов и медицинских колледжей 2-е издание Автор Олег Юрковский.  Издательство: ЭЛБИ-СПб, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 56 стр ISBN 5-93979-091-7 Тираж: 1000 экз Формат: 60x88/16 (~150x210 мм).

COM+ Programming With Visual Basic артикул 12758d.
COM+ Programming With Visual Basic артикул 12758d.

There's simply no other documentation available for much of what's inCOM+ Programming with Visual Basic; this book draws from the author's wide experience as a COM+ developer and instructor Unlike other books, COM+ Programming with Visual Basic is about how the architecture works internally, so that you can go beyond what typically is done in озмрч Visual Basic Not for beginners, this is the book for those want to know the intricacies of how COM+ really works, as well as for those who want to learn how to make COM+ components work with the upcoming Microsoft NET architecture Regardless of what lies ahead for NET, many distributed systems are being built today with COM+ COM+ Programming with Visual Basic presents topics relevant to distributed applications that are here to stay These include how to use interfaces, passing objects by reference or by value, what it means to have multithreaded applications, how declarative programming works, how to program within a distributed transaction, and how to add role-based security to applications.  ISBN 1565928407.

Organisations: A Strategic Perspective артикул 12760d.
Organisations: A Strategic Perspective артикул 12760d.

This text is concerned with the economic and strategic analysis of organizations It looks at the definitions and objectives of organizations, their structure and governance and how they combine and use resources over time It also looks at boundaryissues and how organizations position within industries and markets Organizations are analyzed озмсб in an institutional context and in an international framework with many case studies and examples.  ISBN 0312232829.

Strategic MRO: A Roadmap for Transforming Assets into Competitive Advantage артикул 12762d.
Strategic MRO: A Roadmap for Transforming Assets into Competitive Advantage артикул 12762d.

STRATEGIC MRO: A Roadmap for Transforming Assets into Competitive Advantage Richard L MacInnes & Stephen L Pearce This book combines the concepts of enterprise asset management and the associated maintenance, repair, and operating/overhaul (MRO) materials supply chain The book introduces the breakthrough Demand Supply Compression озмсз (DSC) methodology, which provides a practical path forward to guide an organizations thinking and doing as they seek performance improvement Focused on achieving a future perfect and guided by meaningful principles, organizations will learn to apply compression strategies to drive out waste, time and non-value adding activities from their Strategic MRO practices Like Lean, DSC is a breakthrough methodology that provides a practical path forward in performance improvement by changing a mind frame and the way in which work is performed Strategic MRO includes Case Studies from a chemical company, a water utility, an automotive manufacturer, a mobile telecommunications company, a military base operation, and a truckload freight carrier This is much more than a maintenance management or supply chain book because it encompasses both asset management and supply chain practices If you are looking to transform your assets into a strategic advantage, you have found the right book.  ISBN 1563272938.

Quantitative Analysis for Management with CD (9th Edition) артикул 12764d.
Quantitative Analysis for Management with CD (9th Edition) артикул 12764d.

Book Description Easy to understand-even for learners with limited math backgrounds, this book uses a modeling approach to provide thorough coverage of the basic techniques in quantitative methods and focuses on the managerial applications of these techniques An interesting and reader friendly writing style makes for a clear presentation, озмсм complete with all the necessary assumptions and mathematical details Chapter topics include probability concepts and applications, decision models and decision trees, regression models, forecasting, inventory control models, linear programming modeling applications and computer analyses, network models, project management, simulation modeling, and more For an introduction toquantitative analysis, quantitative management, operations research, or management science-especially for those individuals preparing for work in agricultural economics and health care fields.  2005 г ISBN 0131857029.

Applied Data Communications : A Business-Oriented Approach артикул 12766d.
Applied Data Communications : A Business-Oriented Approach артикул 12766d.

* Provides frameworks and methodology for solving problems as technology continues to advance * Starts with the overall business problem, and then shows how technology can solve the problem * Provides an in-depth applied understanding of the technology covered and is targeted to the IT employees who actually build the networks * Business-oriented, озмст problem-solving approach, including real business case studies stressing the business impact of data communications.  ISBN 0471346403.

Global Strategy (with World Map and InfoTrac) артикул 12768d.
Global Strategy (with World Map and InfoTrac) артикул 12768d.

Book Description The limited number of global or international strategy textbooks almost exclusively focuses on how to manage larger, multinational enterprises (MNEs), which primarily come from and compete in developed economies While MNEs are important, such a focus ignores the fact (1) that many smaller, entrepreneurial firms have also озмсц aggressively internationalized recently and (2) that MNEs often have to compete in emerging economies, which increasingly nurture strong local competitors Most ?mainstream? strategic management textbooks, while seeming to address the hot theme of globalization, contain only one chapter on ?international strategy ? Finally, most international business textbooks do have a section (containing several chapters) on international strategy However, they always carry a wider coverage of major business functions such as marketing, operations, finance, and accounting, making them unwieldy GLOBAL STRATEGY is written to offer a number of new perspectives These include (1) a broadened definition of ?global strategy,? (2) a comprehensive and innovative coverage, (3) an in-depth and consistent explanation of cutting-edge research, and (4) an interesting and accessible way to engage students In this book, ?global strategy? isdefined not as MNE strategy only, but as ?strategy around the globe ? Most global strategy and international business textbooks take the perspective of the foreign entrant, typically the MNE, often dealing with issues such as how to enter foreign markets Important as these issues are, they only cover one side of international business, namely, the foreign side The other side, naturally, is how domestic firms compete against each other and against foreign entrants Failing to understand the ?other side,? at best, captures only one side of the coin.  2005 г ISBN 0324288522.

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